artemis-dee Artemis Dee

Diego, Don, Kace, and Mandy eagerly anticipate their summer trip to Zyranth Island, a destination filled with promise and excitement. Despite their shared enthusiasm, Diego carries a hidden burden—fear stemming from a past tragedy. However, their plans take an unexpected turn when Carlos, a stranger, offers them a two-week cruise to Zyranth Island. They set sail full of excitement, ready for an epic adventure and hoping to make new memories together. But just when they thought everything was going perfectly, life threw them a curveball. The group finds themselves once again confronting tragedy amidst the waves they had hoped would bring only joy and adventure. As their journey unfolds, they must confront not only the challenges of the island itself but also the haunting specter of their past, testing their bonds of friendship and resilience in the face of adversity. Diego, especially, must find the courage to confront his deepest fears and discover if healing and redemption lie beyond the horizon of Zyranth Island.

#12 içinde Macera Tüm halka açık.

#visualstory #theunderseadiscoverypart1

The Nexoria City

10 Temmuz 2024 20:31 3 Rapor Yerleştir Hikayeyi takip edin
Sonraki bölümü okuyun The Plan

Yorum yap

Joseph Mbaga Joseph Mbaga
July 18, 2024, 17:40

blue luna blue luna
Amazing author....loving it
July 13, 2024, 07:30

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