The stone idols had fallen, the cities burned, and the government ships fled in a futile attempt to intimidate the citizens who took to the streets of the cities farthest from the capital. The protest, which was peaceful at first, quickly degenerated into chaos in panic and anger. Despite what the leaders said, the bitter truth was that the planet was dying. Decades ago, they were happy to have conquered all the ecosystems of their home planet, Lugur. From the deepest depths of their ocean to the atmosphere closest to space. The next step was to acquire all the resources of their star, but unfortunately this came at a price.
It all began with the discovery of vorcanite, an element unknown for hundreds of years that, when broken, released an impressive amount of energy. It was immediately used as a new fuel that would allow the Lugurians to explore the entire universe. The product was in such demand that they dug to the bottom of Lugur to obtain it, regardless of the consequences. The planet began to become unstable, the weather became more extreme, earthquakes and other natural disasters became more frequent. Nearly all animal and plant species became extinct, resources were harder to come by, and there were outbreaks of diseases thought to be extinct. Lugurians died in the poorest areas, and warfare resumed on the planet, making the few fertile areas completely unproductive.
Each of the Lugurians that made up the crowd had red fins of rage. They were ready to reclaim their planet and its safety by any means necessary. The governors tried to appease them, but to no avail, and the conflicts became more frequent. There was no solution for them, even the contingency plan presented meant nothing; if the "Future Squadron" succeeded, they would not be alive to see it.
Okuduğunuz için teşekkürler!
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