ashmarie87 Ashleigh Marie

A book of poems that I've wrote based off my feelings and experiences. Even the most saddest memories can be turned into a beautiful poem.

#20 içinde Şiir #4 içinde Epik Tüm halka açık.

#poem #love #inspired #sad
Devam etmekte - Yeni bölüm Her gün
okuma zamanı
AA Paylaş


She holds you in every piece of her heart,

When the night falls is when she falls apart,

The day you left still plays in the back of her mind, it's almost like her memories are stuck on rewind,

The pain is now a part of who she has become, angry, broken but also numb,

She wasn't ready to say goodbye, but she knows that it was your time to fly,

She isn't ready to let you go,

There was so much she wanted you to know,

She never got to tell you how much she loved you all she can hope is that's something you already knew.

Maybe one day the tears will dry but until then all she does is cry.

The End

07 Kasım 2021 09:41 2 Rapor Yerleştirmek Hikayeyi takip edin
Sonraki bölümü okuyun MY Heart

Yorum yap

Sharpies <3 Sharpies <3
Beautiful :)
April 18, 2023, 01:19
Arthur Lake Arthur Lake
Wow hit home to me, very nicely done. ✔
March 20, 2023, 15:55

Okumaktan zevk alıyor musun?

Hey! Hala var 21 bu hikayede kalan bölümler.
Okumaya devam etmek için lütfen kaydolun veya giriş yapın. Bedava!