Peggy Zietz

Theo's adventure in making ice cream cookies as told by my son.

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One day, Theo was thinking of making ice cream cookies. He thought they would be so delicious.

When Theo woke up, he told his Mom he would make ice cream cookies.

They started making them and Theo knew how. Theo made half cookies and put ice cream in them and put them in the oven.

He waited...and waited...and waited.

Theo expected the ice cream to be melted, but it was still cold. He said, "I'll give it another try."

This time, Theo melted the ice cream first and put them in the oven.

He waited...and waited...and waited.


Theo tasted one...and the ice cream was melted!

It was delicious.

15 Temmuz 2021 22:27 0 Rapor Yerleştirmek Hikayeyi takip edin
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