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When you expect an important call and you are allowed only five minutes to close of call 😲

Kısa Hikaye Tüm halka açık. © Corechatzy

#Frenzy- #-cat-
Kısa Hikaye
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Catty cat cat

The phone rang I picked it up, it was my daughter. "Hi mom" , I returned her hi.

"What's going on with you? "

In my other hand was another phone I use for WiFi,while her call came in to me via DUO. I lifted up the other phone, thats when I saw the missing call on my regular phone and recorded message.

Milo just craves attention and at that point in time he came looking for affection in the worst way!😲

I rose up from the table,he meowed and followed me. I shifted to a closer table,he jumped up on it. I tried to be clever,he chased my hands. I was not safe from this cat! I needed to hear what was on the voicemail so badly and this daughter trying to hear what it was but due to my constant movements she couldn't understand it. I moved to a nearby table which had some candles seated in glass, Milo went to it in persistent search to be rubbed, caressed massaged, bumped over the candles sending them crashing to the floor and breaking it. what a real handful he was at this moment!

I didn't stop then, as I need to hear what information was left for me. This was urgent so I didn't give Milo my full attention.

I managed to get into the voicemail and try as I would I could not understand a word that was spoken! Yes I missed the note. I missed the call and Milo was not done! I had moved over five times to avoid him and the voicemail was nowhere in my comprehesion!

Well I moved to the screen door that let him in and scooted him out!

My daughter was enjoying this little prank with the cat though she couldn't see me an him. But after going on with our face talk I told her..the devil send that cat to annoy me!

She laughed and said I should know better,cats are like that..they do not need any special time to get attention.They want it they thrive for it..and will do mischief to get it 😂😂😂😂.

04 Haziran 2021 16:38 0 Rapor Yerleştirmek Hikayeyi takip edin
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