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What goes first, publishing the book or attracting readers?


Photo: @lectoresdelibro

Many believe that a successful writing career depends only in the talent of the writer. Even, there are authors who prefer not to work in other areas, like for example sales and advertising.

It is clear that it would be an extraordinary experience, that after spending months or years working on a story, in the end, you simply put it on sale and VOILÁ! You have officially become a famous author. And why not? who has time to socialize when a "bestseller" is being created? Given that all your sacrifice has not been in vain, at the time you publish your book, you think that the impact will be such that you will have to wear sunglasses to go to the supermarket and avoid the crowds. Well, obviously, your book is for sale now.

Yes, how fantastic that would be! Well, except for the part of having to wear sunglasses to go to the supermarket, at least to me, I like the peace of being anonymous of my work. However, in the writing world, remaining anonymous will not take you where you want to go since almost every author seeks is to share his or her art, and eventually become financial rewarded for it. Being a writer is a life's profession.

But the question is: What comes first, the book or the audience?

Many will answer "the book" because without a book there is no author. However, there are those who form their career as authors before they have even published their first book. That’s why authors of these times can market themselves in a versatile and ingenious way.

In the following, you have a list of suggestions and tips that are currently leading modern authors to success, whether you are an independent writer or an author who aspires to be hired by a publishing house, these tips can be a great help for you.

1. Establish a homepage

You can use a website, a blog, or a Facebook page. The important thing is to have a place where you can be effectively found. This must contain the basic information about you, your work (already finished or in-process), and other services that you can offer and of course, a way to contact you.

This will give you credibility and promote you in a professional way. Generally, when someone recommends us a service or product, many of us ask for the web page to check what he or she can offer. This first impression that you get is always important because it will attract you or make you go away. Therefore, make your web page, your cover letter and keep it updated at all times.

2. Use Social Media and create your brand

Social media can be your best ally to let yourself be known. That’s why it is crucial to have a good use of your social network. My advice is that while you make yourself known, you should keep in mind what is the image you want to project and what audience you want to attract. It would be good if you always use the same name and the same profile picture to identify you in all networks. Also if you want to attract people interested in romance, then, looking for them in a "forum" where people prefer cars or horror movies wouldn't be so effective.

In your personal accounts –for example Facebook- never become harassing by talking to people only about your next book, or by asking them to visit your page and read your articles, you don't want to be "unfollowed" or blocked. This doesn't mean you can't share from time to time information about what you do in a certain way, and at the same time, also share about other things, it shows your human side. Show genuine interest in what others do and keep it clear, that the main objective of the social media is to connect people and be sociable. Let them know your story and everything else that goes behind that story. And of course taking into consideration the image you want to project, you decide how open you want to be, and what can affect your professional life.

So, you can share some family photos, but perhaps parting pictures might be in excess. This doesn't mean you don't have a separate life, but that it might be better to create another personal account for it.

In the media that you use more for marketing purposes -for example Instagram or Twitter-, you could share more content daily or several times per week. But also, be aware that posting the same thing every half hour, it might exhaust your followers. Keep always in mind, that the goal is to make your audience see you more often and recognize you.

And if you do not know what else to post, share your experiences, what inspires you, give advices to others that are learning or even share motivational phrases.

3. Help others

If you're passionate about writing, write more, even if you don't have a story that is ready, this will enhance your experience. Team up with others, or support them on their path on becoming the writer they want to be.

Share what you know about writing, publish reviews about other books; this could be done through your Youtube channel, Blog, or writers' communities. For example, here through Inkspired .;)

4. Make yourself known

For many writers, sharing their work is like getting naked. You are showing the world what goes on your head and your deepest thoughts. Why can this be a fantastic experience?

Because the only way to know where you are standing is through feedback. There are even platforms like Inkspired where you can publish your story without even finishing it. Meanwhile, you can ask other writers for advices or constructive criticism. This way you can become a better writer.

5. Be consistent and perseverant

Good stories take time to build. So be patient and consistent. If something is giving positive results, repeat the process. Take note of what works and what doesn't. The only thing you shouldn't do is giving up.

Good writers are made with years of experience and failures. If you only write once a year, or just apply these tips from time to time, it will be difficult to archive your goal’s on the long run. So write frequently, create an authentic plan and pursuit it.

6. Keep learning

Never stop reinventing yourself, improve what you know by getting out of your comfort zone. There is always something new to learn. Keep reading books, promote your creations and hear what experts have to say regarding your work.

Always keep in mind that a growth mindset will help you adapt to changes and stay fresh and up to date. Remember, wise is the one who recognizes that he knows nothing, and the fool is the one who believes he knows everything.

Micaela Sacarello



Inkspired Team

07 Ağustos 2018 14:08 3 Rapor Yerleştirmek 7

#NewContest - You are guilty

You like to play the detective. To see the story from the outside. To unravel the mistery or what could happen. To analyze who is the bad guy. The murderer. The ghost. The demon. But what would happen if that antagonist, that guilty one, is you? Not easy, right?

On Inkspired is #ThrillerTime, therefore, we bring you a new contest based on that genre, called "YOU ARE GUILTY". The challenge consists in creating a short story of maximum 300 words, which must be written in FIRST PERSON point of view, narrating the story like you were the ANTAGONIST. 

The BEST STORY - the most surprising, creative and loaded with suspense- will be the WINNER. And of course, spelling and grammar will be taken into account. Any error of these will take points off.

Start date: August 1, 2018

Closing date: August 30, 2018

But what is a Thriller?

It's a story that seeks to generate fear or shock in the reader. Usually, it shocks with unexpected turns.

There are different types of Thriller: Psychological Thriller, Paranormal, Police, Mystery, Spies, among others.

If you want to know more about how to write a thriller you can read the following post here.

How does the contest work?

1. You need to write a Thriller short story of 300 words, maximum, and publish it in your Inkspired account.

2. Once published, you could edit your story everytime you want, until the end date.

3. The short story must be published as SHORT STORY in the THRILLER or SUSPENSE/MISTERY category.

4. You must use the hashtag #ThrillerTime in the story’s description and also in the hashtags section.

5. The short story must have a title, an original cover, and a short description.

6. The contest will have only ONE winner, but we will also reward the second place. These will be announced on September 3rd.

7. The winner will be chosen by the Inkspired editorial team, who will focus on the story's creativity, suspense, quality and the respect of the bases.

8. It’s required a minimum of 20 participants for the contest to be official.


1. People from any part of the world can participate, but the story must be written in English.

2. The short story can’t have more than 300 words, but it can have less.

3. You must be the author of the story, we do not accept any kind of copy and there may be legal actions if this is infringed.

4. The story doesn't have to be exclusive, they can be published on other platforms, but it must be yours and uploaded to Inkspired as well.

5. If you are not a current user of Inkspired and want to participate, you just have to register. It's free!

6. The story must have the hashtag #ThrillerTime -in both the hashtag section and in the story’s description. In addition, it must have a title, a cover, and a brief description.

7. This time, you can only participate with a SINGLE story. No more stories by the same author will be accepted. If this happens, all of his/her stories will be disqualified.

8. Anyone who does spam will be disqualified.

9. The deadlines must be respected. No work that comes out of this period will be accepted.

10. The stories can be edited only during the time of the contest. Once closed, no changes will be accepted, or it will be disqualified.

11. Once the winners are announced, they should write to [email protected] to coordinate the prizes delivery. If the winner does not respond within 15 days, the prize will be awarded to the second place.

12. You do not need to participate from the first day, you can do it when you want while the contest is open.

13. By participating in this contest, you give the rights to Inkspired to make your story public.

14. Participation in this contest means that the user knows and accepts its bases.

15. We also have contests in other languages such as -Spanish and Portuguese-, you can see them in the contest section of each language.



First place: $50.00 (fifty US dollars) and an audio story of his tale told by one of Inkspired's journalists.

Second place: Your story reviewed and rated by our Thriller reviewer and appear in our featured stories of the week.

How to publish a story on Inkspired?

1. Go to www.getinkspired.com

2. Register as a user (if you are not already). You can do it manually or via Facebook.

3. Click on CREATE A STORY.

4. Choose the type of story you want to publish, in the case of the contest it must be: SHORT STORY

5. Write the title of your story and the category (in this case it would be THRILLER). The title can be edited later if you wish.

6. Write your story as a single chapter.

7. Once written click on 'save' and then 'close and go to the story’s profile’.

8. Here you can add the hashtag #ThrillerTime, the description, the cover and the language. Remember that the hashtag must go both in the hashtag section and in the description.

9. Then you will have to go down to where your chapter’s title is and click on the button that says 'Draft' and change it to 'Published'.

10. You can see a video tutorial on how to post here: https://getinkspired.com/faq/ -but it is in spanish.

31 Temmuz 2018 13:55 0 Rapor Yerleştirmek 8

Let yourself be guided



It's clear. Writing and reading are basic tasks. We learned them since we were kids. Now, we do them every day But at the same time, if you want to improve your skills, you need somewhere to go, a goal, a guide. Inkspired has always thought about that and believes it is fundamental. That's why we have brought you two specialized guides to improve your writing and/or reading experience.

Yes, reading too. Sometimes, many people avoid reading because they think they can not concentrate, or it's boring or that they do not perform well. Many read slow. They fall asleep. They abandon stories. And their shelves dust books for days, months, years.

But the problem is not reading. Neither is the reader. But the HOW it is read. And for that, one of the secrets to enrich that experience lies in our guide. Here you will find ways to increase your performance, read faster, and activate that part of your brain that makes the faster you read, the more you understand.

In the same way, writing has its principles. Especially, fiction writing. It is very important that for a story to make sense, first we must define it, give it an order, a good plot, a good title, good characters, and a good outcome. But for this, you must know certain basic things about what it is to write as a writer and practice until you get tired. This will engage your audience.

You can find the Writer's Guide in the Online Academy section, while the Reader's Guide will be available by our Referral Program, in which all you have to do is invite 3 friends to register as new users on Inkspired using your own reference code (For example: https://getinkspired.com/en/register/?ref=your_referral_code). To obtain your code, go to the following link: https://getinkspired.com/en/dashboard/promotions/.

These guides are designed to support anyone to become a writer and/or reader and grow on Inkspired and in life.

Jackie V. Vargas

Content & Regional Manager

Inkspired Team

27 Temmuz 2018 12:48 0 Rapor Yerleştirmek 4

How a Thriller can hook the reader


Suspense killed him...

That is exactly what Thriller is about. Is getting out of your mind to get into someone else's mind. Is to shake the chair. Make you tremble. Give you intrigue, anxiety, creeps and even the desire of never stopping. Thriller is that genre that either gets you hooked, or it's not good. It must wrap you in such a way that it makes you play with your own thoughts to try to solve something, that only the writer knows, and that he wants and doesn’t want to tell you, all at the same time. Thriller is not a WHAT, but a HOW. How the story is told. And that's why people feel hooked to it.

Patricia Highsmith, recognized author of this category, said "it is impossible to explain how to write a good book", so we will not focus on how to write this genre, but on how to generate the suspense, and keep it during the whole novel by focusing on 3 main aspects: The first page, the characters and the so-called ‘cliffhanger'.

In a Thriller’s plot, surprise is the essence. It is what drives the reader to a roller coaster of events. And page 1 is the first rise that causes a tingling in the stomach with a mixture of anxiety, emotion and nerves. The first page is almost everything. That’s why some people take a long time to write it. In a Thriller, the first part of your story may not be the beginning, nor what happened before, but quite the opposite. It may be the end, or the climax, or a resoundingly strong scene. Yes, strong. So strong to dig into the imagination of the reader and give him the need to discover the rest.

Here the author is free to do and undo as long as he does not tell everything from the beginning and leave unresolved ends. This is crucial in this kind of stories. That the nodes become unraveling, but at the same time entangling a little more. You must know what and when to tell something. What Highsmith did in the first 30 lines was to place some action, something that would concentrate the essence of what would be the rest of the book.

Then there are the characters. These are the pieces of the puzzle. They are those who will show details and hide others, without exceeding surprises. The plot must contain an argument that is not linear so the reader doesn’t get bored, so is better to use a range of characters to play with. In this way, the audience will focus their attention on everyone and try to find out who carried out the crime, who was the one who died, who is lying, or who is the good one.

This brings us to the next important point: The famous "cliffhanger”. Basically, this is the term used when a suspense novel keeps you in suspense because that is how the reader feels: On the edge of the cliff, constantly. According to the journalist Adriana Tejada Cuadrado, writer of 'La Gelba', that anxiety that you get from this kind of stories is part of a Thriller’s style. And generally, for this reason, these novels end in the craziest or most unexpected ways.

Types of Thriller y subgenres:

(By Adriana Tejada)


· Psychological Thriller: It delves into the mind of the characters, in their past, traumas, fears, experiences, etc.

Example: Psychoanalyst, John Katzenbach

· Mystery Thriller: Seeks to solve the mystery of a crazy or maniac character.

Example: Wedding dress by Pierre Lemaitre

· Techno-thriller: Thriller’s suspense is combined with the elements

of science fiction.

Example: Preston & Child

· Spy thriller: A thriller of detectives and spies.

Example: A classic, James Bond.

· Military Thriller: As the name implies, it's about military.

Example: The time of the strange emperors of Ignacio del Valle.

09 Temmuz 2018 17:28 0 Rapor Yerleştirmek 11
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