Warriors: The Second Generation Follow universe

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Another Generation

"The cats of the forest, the shadows, the moor, and the river. All Clans will face great threats, from cats of the Dark Forest to the precious Moonfall drying out. They will face far more vicious problems than the Dark Forest. The Clans will face an army of two-legs. They will face a b!azing fire that burns through all of their territory, and all of the Clans, too. What will happen next? Will everything go wrong?" Hopefully, another generation will thrive again. ⚠ Character Info and Place Info Smart Glossaries are unfinished and unorganized. ⚠ Non Verified Universe Историческое, Раннее Новое время Поделиться

#fanmade #warrior-cats

Need help with

Animation, Character design, Map designer, Music producer.

Explore the glossaries of Warriors: The Second Generation

Stories of Warriors: The Second Generation

Warriors, TSG: Flames Of Fury Canon Main Story
"A sea of hate, A lake of rivalry, and a river of blood." Dawnfeather is back, and is more prepared than ever to face …
Warriors: The Second Generation Canon
"And if light can't conquer it, nothing can." Dawnpaw wants to prove a PineClan kit, Littlekit, can still be loyal to …
A Medicine Cats Guide To Herbs: A Medicine Cat … Canon
An official guide for those who admire and want to learn more about medicine cats from the Warrior Cats series by Erin …

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