Renita J. McK. Подписаться

https://None. Pittsburg, Ca, United States.
2.6тыс Слов
Inko Captain Уровень 5

Мои истории

My Heart Beats

🎙️🎼Here's to you 🎵Music🎶 and the beautiful 🎧friendship that weve built over these all the years. 🎷Having been the 🥁 best and most loyal friend I've ever known, 🎸 🎹
#13 in Poetry 26.6тыс просмотры 103 10 Story completed

Capricious Stoner-Loner

Не проверенная история The book of poetry describing me myself and what I go through my head every day cuz I think too much I analyze too much it's crazy
7.6тыс просмотры 23 1 Новая глава Every week

Fell Out of Love

Не проверенная история a quick poem about falling out of love with someone
2.8тыс просмотры 5 2 Story completed

Broken Spirit

Не проверенная история My last heartbreak
11.1тыс просмотры 4 1 Story completed

The Newness of it all

Не проверенная история The wonderful feeling that you experience when something is brand new for you
4.2тыс просмотры 4 1 Story completed

One More

One more can be good when more can be bad we'll take one more if they can be had
5.6тыс просмотры 5 4 Story completed


Не проверенная история People who were an inspiration in my life. Also whom to me were exceptional people who have gone unnoticed by the world.
8.1тыс просмотры 14 1 Story completed

So many Goodbyes

Не проверенная история Goodbyes are bittersweet most of the time. I wish good byes could disappear, and then just maybe you would still be here
4.4тыс просмотры 1 Story completed

Love is My Loss

Не проверенная история all I ever do is lose in love
2.9тыс просмотры 1 2 Story completed

Happiness Untainted

Не проверенная история everyone deserves to experience true happiness in life
2.9тыс просмотры 1 Story completed

I Don't Know

Не проверенная история About me struggling with life and how I fight with myself about in my mind. This happens quite often, I felt like writing about it would somehow help me.
2.8тыс просмотры 1 2 Story completed

Me Storms

Не проверенная история Me fighting with myself in my head
2.9тыс просмотры 1 2 Story completed


Не проверенная история About how feel like a failure most of the time and have throughout my whole life
3.1тыс просмотры 1 1 Story completed

life as I knew it

Не проверенная история Life....... Just.......Is.... So hold on and enjoy the ride
3.1тыс просмотры 1 Story completed

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