In the world that we live in today everyone is meant to be equal, but is that really the best way for our planet? Would it not be better for us if we had systems and a way to protect the weak from the evil and let the smart lead the way?
4 December 30, 2023, 20:48 0 2 threads"His steps echoed as he stepped into the great hall. -Oh how was that song again I think it was something like this. -I'm gonna dance dance dance With your friends friends friends Above my head head head. -No you fucking psycho. Delian said as held up the girl who was being held by a rope on her neck. He came closer and took a small knife out of his pockets. He placed it on Delian's neck. He counted. -3 2 1 Darkness"
#Willbeabook 4 February 22, 2023, 19:05 0Life and death isn't a circle it is more like an arrow pointing from one to the other.
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