It's also the day of your first "I love you, Val" And even more special Because I said "I love you" The way I intended to say Those magic three words For the first time too And I'm happy that now I get to say them every day But on 16th July They're more meaningful Because I get to say them After a "Happy Birthday, min skatt" -Val
#love #inkspiredstory #birthday #valentina #agustina #happybirthday #birthdaygift #birthdayletter #feeling22 2 July 17, 2022, 02:08 0Four years ago On this very day 16th July You said your first "I love you" But not the kind of "I love you" That we formerly used to exchange No, because that "I love you" Was the kind of "I love you" I'd been waiting to hear For a long time And it was a special "I love you" Because you said it On your special day One you've always enjoyed One that you always mark on a calendar Because it's more than just Turning a year older... *continues*
#love #poem #inkspiredstory #birthday #valentina #agustina #happybirthday #birthdaygift #birthdayletter #feeling22 2 July 17, 2022, 02:04 0Miss Agustina: Well, first I want to ask you a question...
#Part8of52 1 May 04, 2022, 01:21 0Micaela: But you don't even know which song she's gonna give us
#Part6of52 0 May 04, 2022, 01:17 0Micaela: Yeeessss, Miss Agustina! What are we going to do?
#Part2of52 0 May 04, 2022, 01:11 0Мы можем поддерживать Inkspired бесплатно, показывая рекламу нашим посетителям.. Пожалуйста, поддержите нас, добавив в белый список или отключив AdBlocker.
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