marvinmega Anna Frans

(No, the title is not a typo. There's a reason it's wrong writen) Pandemic apocalypse is surely a thing. But, we all know, keeping the infected out is not the only worry. As time pass, stuff starts to lack: resources, security, other people, and sanity. As a coward who is stuck in a small group, they write down how they feel, so they can out it and keep going stronger. (It was based off an RPG i made with a friend; i'm open to critics)

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Day 1571

It's hard to belive this is going on for so long. But It's also easy, in no way everything would get so bad in littler time. Also, my body changed. I was a teen when it started but now i'm a grow ass person, not anymore the "kid" of the group. Well, we are all the "kids" of the "daddy", but the literal. Honest, i still ask myself how i got an empty notebook. But yei, stead of write about regular young adult stuff i write about living isolated! If book turn back into a thing maybe i can be the modern Ane Frank. No.

15 февраля 2020 г. 15:18 0 Отчет Добавить Подписаться
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