feliciaevreux Felicia Evreux

Writing is her everything; she expresses through paper what she can't say with words. My relative is worried about her because even if they're best friends there are lots of things that she's hiding; it’s like if they only stand each other because they get along well. She may have inner issues; we don't know and that's why as a student of psychology, watching her every move in a place she frequents is my duty to try to understand what makes her so mysterious.

#39 in Романтика #20 in Молодой взрослый романс 13+. © Felicia Evreux

#romance #love #family #psychologist #writer #trustissues #goldcoast #surfersparadise
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"I call her my best friend, but I don't even know her basics, when I try to find out she quickly makes subject change and I’m worried about her. We've known each other for six years and I don't know her favourite colour. I need you to help me to understand what's going on with her, you will be the family’s psychologist and you’re smart so I’m pretty damn sure of that you can find something out.”

25 августа 2018 г. 1:09 1 Отчет Добавить Подписаться
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