Jossalyn Goss

Kayden has bottled his feelings about his childhood friend Alex for long enough. He decides to face his fear and admit his feelings in this wild journey to confess before the clock strikes midnight, ringing in a new year.

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Like a Thousand Butterflies

Kayden woke up at 4 o'clock that afternoon with a pit in his stomach. Not like a pit of despair, More like longing. A pit of longing and fear of rejection.

He and his friend Alex had been friends since they met in kindergarden. They lived beside eachother all of theor lives and were now inseperable.

However, somewhere along the way, he had developed feelings for his friend. Feeling that weren't obvious to him at first.

"Today is the day," he said to himself in the mirror,"It has to be,"

He had no problem talking to himself in the mirror. No one would think he was crazy, he lived alone. Has since he turned 18.

It was New Years Eve, and he was nervous. He promised himself that he would ask today. He had waited long enough.

He took a shower and combed his hair really neat. He then went to find something stylish to wear. Alex never cared what Kayden looked like, and he knew that. He however wanted to impress Alex.

He looks in the closet and finds a dark blue button-down shirt and a pair of jeans.

He slips into his clothes and looks in the mirror.

"Not bad!" he says to his cat,"I told you I clean up good!"

The cat simply walks away. Kayden again fixes his hair and puts his single earring in. Alex always thought his earring was cool.

Kayden blushes in thinking about him. Yes. Before you ask, Alex is a guy. Nobody ever cared about Kayden's preferences. His mother and father supported him completely. He never told anyone about his growing affection for his friend, and he didn't plan on it either.

In light of a new year, Kayden realized that he might want to spend it with Alex as his boyfriend.

His stomach felt like it a thousand butterflies were flying around. He wasn't ready in the least, but he felt like be should take the leap of faith and confess.

He tied his shoes and headed outside. Alex lived a few blocks away with a few roomates. Kayden didn't mind hanging around with them, but when they got wasted, they were a nightmare to deal with.

Kayden walked down the street headed for his parked car. He checked his watch.

"How in the world is it already six?!" He exclaimed to nothing at all. He got in his car and steadied his hands by gripping the steeringwheel. He had no clue why his hands were shaking so much.

He was nervous, sure, but his hands were never shakey. He took a deep breath and started driving.


When he pulled up to the shared home, he wasn't surprised to find a broken window.

Kayden pulled into the driveway and made his way up the porch to the house. He held a shaking hand up to the door poised to knock.

"Why am I so nervous?" He thought to himself,"It's just a simple yes or no question,"

Kayden knew that it wasn't that simple. He knew it was quite deeper. That didn't stop him from knocking on the door. Instead of Alex, Josh answered the door.

"Whaddaya want?" he said in his gruff voice.

"Is Alex here?" Kayden asks quite simply.

"Work. Why do you care?" he says, seemingly curious.

"No reason, just wanted to talk to him." Kayden swiftly replies.

Josh just rolls his eyes. "Bye." he says, slamming the door in his face.

"Why would he be at work?" Kayden wonders as he walks back to his car, more concerned and confused than ever.

What was weird, was that he never had a shift on Saturdays, and even if he did, he wouldn't work on New Years Eve.

Kayden knew where he was to go next. The Stop-N-Go.

16 января 2024 г. 5:55 0 Отчет Добавить Подписаться
Прочтите следующую главу Wherefore art thou Alex


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