sammyallearts Sammy Alle

Take a deeper dive into Sammy Alle's life as she explains her life in the highly anticipated memoir. She explains love, loss, remembrance and all things in between.

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It was dark, but then, I came into this world. Innocent and pure, my mother held me, happy that her seventh and final child came into the world. I was small, but very much healthy. She wondered on names, and thought about one, then the nickname, and lastly my last name after my father. I was a 5 pound baby born at 5 am in the morning on June 5th, 1995 in Toronto General Hospital.

My life was about to begin, but there was gonna be a lot to overcome and understand as I got older.

16 декабря 2023 г. 20:11 0 Отчет Добавить Подписаться
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