jaswinder-chahal Jaswinder Chahal

Man keeps on making many journeys on this earth throughout his life, during this time he keeps seeing and feeling the surrounding world and every aspect of nature. Due to this seeing and feeling, many words are born in the creative mind . The writer saves those words and brings them to the world in the form of a timeless poem, after reading which every person gets a new direction in life. The poem is only of four lines, but its meanings are innumerable... ✍

#3 in Поезия #2 in ода Всех возростов.

#quotes #poetry #life
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Often in our life we ​​find someone who can only be desired but can never be found because they are in someone else's destiny...✍

jaswinder chahal
10 декабря 2023 г. 11:16 3 Отчет Добавить Подписаться
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Janky Fluffy Janky Fluffy
love it, and I had those relationships until I found my path.
Kushal Singh Kushal Singh
This poem is beautifully crafted, with a strong emotional core that resonates deeply. The imagery and language are both vivid and evocative, drawing the reader into the world you've created. Your words flow effortlessly, and the rhythm enhances the overall impact of the piece.

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