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I feel especially happy and privileged to have seen this book grow day by day.

It is a collection of texts written by professor Wagner Borges over the last few years. Many were spiritually received in his classes in front of dozens of people, in an atmosphere of the purest love and contentment.

I know the beneficial repercussion that many of these texts caused in people. Many were sad and completely lost. Somehow, they were touched by the divine words, which caused a real consciential and spiritual change.

They are beautiful and inspired texts that make us travel through the subtle waves of Spirituality, making us grow, laugh, and cry with emotion. They touch the most secret and pure recesses of our hearts, in communion with the High.

I don’t know what divine power there is in this work, but I can say that it changes our spiritual atmosphere, our mood, and our way of seeing the world, in short, it changes our life.

Dear reader, let yourself be carried away by the pages of this book. May your soul be nourished by this spiritual wealth.

May the light contained in each line makes your heart filled with bliss.

May each cell of your body be renewed by the words of faith and love.

May your eyes shine and smile, as I have seen happen with so many colleagues who have also made this spiritual journey.

And, above all, feel that within you there is such a divine essence that vibrates in resonance with all that is pure and peaceful. This essence is like a flower. May this book be a precious nourishment for your inner flower to bloom wonderfully and fill the world with softness and beauty...

Much peace, light, and love in your life!

– Nair Cortijos –

(Friend and coordinator of the website of the Institute of Projection and Bioenergetic Research – IPPB)

5 февраля 2023 г. 14:18 0 Отчет Добавить Подписаться
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