danijameswriter Dani James

My erotic writing blog. I update this blog with erotic and romance writing tips, my thoughts on the romance industry, and how serialized romance fiction is making a come back

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Episode 1- An Introduction

Hi! I am Dani James, a South African woman, writing erotic romance.

My other favorite romance sub-genres to write are LGBTQ and paranormal romance.

This blog will be a collection of writing tips specifically for romance and erotica writers.

I will also discuss the ins and outs of the romance publishing industry, how to get your work published, and everything about serialized fiction, which is making a big comeback!

Stay, like, follow, so that you can keep up to date with my one-shot stories and my weekly blog posts!

11 октября 2022 г. 10:36 0 Отчет Добавить Подписаться
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