last-wonderland Sebastián Pulido

Hell falls on earth, people rise up and resist it. People looking for hope, trapped in a hell.

Поезия ода 13+.

#war #Figth #hell
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Hide when you hear the sirens.

Run when explosions break the silence.

They herald the coming of violence.

There is nothing left to keep you safe.

Your life flashes before your eyes, your end.

You can do nothing to fight your fate.

You'd better start running.

You see people go mad with fear.

Because the earth is now the devil's.

You knew this would happen someday.

There are no places left to hide.

Tears overflow and break your eyes.

Another loss you can't replace.

We don't get to say "goodbye".

Men lining up ready to die.

You cling to hope in this hell.

You pray for a light in the darkness.

There's nothing left to keep you safe.

But there's no answer, God is dead.

Hide when you hear the sirens.

Run when the explosions break the silence.

They herald the coming of violence.

There is nothing left to keep you safe.

Your life flashes before your eyes, your end.

You can do nothing to fight your fate.

Another war to take the crown.

Another man drinking wine in his cup.

Another fight to try to take us down.

Another warrior fighting till he falls.

22 июня 2022 г. 16:19 0 Отчет Добавить Подписаться
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