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The Moon

It was a clear and beautiful night when Nix met up with the love of her life for a walk through the woods. Nix noticed the brightness of the moon and looked up at the moon and stared in wonder. Lukan (the love of her life) looked up along with her and noticed that the moon was a bright silver.

She then looked back at Nix asking if she saw that the moon was silver, In which she responded with "What? the moon isn't Silver! Are you high or something because you know I hate people who drink, smoke, and do drugs."

The rest of the walk was quiet after that. They stopped at a local ice cream parlor where they encountered Kilane the leader of the local gang "THE SILVER DEVILS". They cautiously walked up to the window to order " Could I get a Banana Bread swirl with caramel drizzle on a waffle cone. And what would you like baby?" Nix asked Lukan. " I would like a blueberry crunch with chocolate swirl." Lukan responded.

A few seconds after, Lukan got all hot and said in a gaspy breath "I gotta go sit down baby, I'll see you over at the table." and turned to go to the table. As she walked over in staggered steps, she collapsed to her knees.

2 марта 2022 г. 4:30 0 Отчет Добавить Подписаться
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