vivianso Vivian So

Explore different type of journaling that is good for your mental fitness

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7 Types of Journaling

#1 Body Diary

10 Key Points

1. Each day take note of which part of the body is feeling unwell.

2. At what moment of the day it took place, and what feelings and thoughts were running at that moment.

3. Take note of what food or drinks were consumed recently.

4. Write all down in point form and show it to your nurses and doctors.

5. See if a change in your diet can be of help.

6. Perform an emotional self-assessment, to see if there is an emotional imbalance.

Such as

a) Do you want to wash today, yesterday, last week?

b) Are you feeling exhausted during the day, or cannot sleep at night?

c) Is there any stressful events or situations that might have caused the imbalance?

d) Are you feeling depressed, or feeling no motivation?

e) Is there some unusual behaviour during the past few weeks?

7. Take note of those answers.

8. And present them to your doctors and nurses.

9. Ask for an actionable plan and plan it together

10. And then revisit the plan, to see if the imbalance has been restored.

#2 Feeling Books

- Write down your feelings of the moment, do not keep the copy, just keep a copy of your main take away from doing this exercise

If you are journaling something goods, praise the Lord

If you are feeling anything other than happy

  • Jot down your feelings.
  • Take note of what happened.
  • What you would like to see instead
  • If all things are possible, what would you like the related parties to know about your feelings, and your true thoughts about the issues.
  • Where did the misunderstanding or disagreement come about
  • What one thing that both parties have a common goal and get along
  • Can you work with that common goal and reach out to start the reconciliation process
  • The small things probably won't matter when the common goal is achieved

Now, write down your takeaway.

#3 Good Doing

What did you do well today? Write only positive. Erase nothing. Review it at the end of each week.

#4 Free Journaling

Focus on what you want to be changed, that you feel is possible. List what information and what tools you already possess or have access to. Decide which information and tools are in need that needs more research to be done, or need more people resources.

To do so, you will need to know what you really want and what your needs are. By building a conceptual board, doing some goal settings, and utilizing a visualization board. This might enable you to identify the change you want in your life at this moment in time.

A conceptual board can be a chart that has left and right sides, or a mind map about your childhood, or finances. The first step is to admit what is happening, and know it is okay sometimes to have some mistakes or downtime. The second step is to identify an area that is workable as the next steps to clearer the clutters.

We do not need to know every single detail from now till it is fixed. We only need to know what the next step is. What are the next logical steps?

Once we can identify the area to be improved upon, we then do some free journaling. As stated at the beginning of this section, free journaling is focused on the positive side of the situation. What would be the next step you can change upon? To do so, you have to outline the possible hinders, so that you can identify a solution.

This step can be quite challenging and difficult. It is suggested to do a combination of free journaling and some relaxation techniques mentioned at the beginning of this paper.

You might want to use a visualization board. A visualization board is not a make-believe board. It is showing the progress you are making on the projects and your steps. It is the affirmation that will inspire you to think more positively outside the box - not just some cliche or collage board.

We all heard of goal settings. But what goal settings are?

Goal settings here mean something you can have actionable steps that you can perform in the next week or two.

This relieves most of us, since it is much more doable to plan for the next two weeks than the next few months.

Of course, we also need to have an ultimate goal for the month - to complete mini-steps of big steps.

Once we nailed our goals, then we go back to the conceptual map or free journaling again. And list out all possible contacts that may be helpful if we can contact them by phone or in person.

#5 Social Journal

Part of being in a community is to build up our own boundaries and partake in the world of diversity.

Addressing Concerns - Speaking up for self, ... and confronting people in a healthy way.

1. I feel...

2. I wonder if you feel the same way...

3. I would like to clear any misunderstanding we might have

4. And come up with a mutual common ground...

5. Is this the right time for us to have a chat?

Remembering People, Things, Events

  • Sorry, I think I remember you from (name of the event), you are?
  • Hey, we haven't exchanged name cards for a while, here is mine. Yours?
  • Oh, hi, I always see you at that (Cafe, etc.) What is your name again?
  • Oh, you look very familiar, but I am forgetful. May I have your name again?
  • Hi, haven't seen you for a while. Where are you working now? Any name card?
  • I think I know your name but just can't remember it right now. Sorry, you are?
  • Hey, how are you? You look fine. What is your name again?
  • Oh, I remember you from (a school, project.) What is hot in your industry now? Here is my name card. Yours?
  • (Take out your phone) What is your (Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, etc.) nowadays?
  • What is your cell phone nowadays? My phone just got formatted.

Strategically Get to Know Your Network

  • Favourite VIP Group (Friends, Work, Clients, Leads)
  • A glance at their tweets. Pick one or two-person to comment on each week.
  • Study your VIP Clients' LinkedIn and their job boards. Try to find out their needs.
  • Study the industry trends, their hot topics
  • Comments on their Facebook or LinkedIn feed twice a week.
  • Draft your proposal, and try to talk to them on the platform they usually hang out.
  • Friends with them, genuinely. Attentive to their needs.
  • When both your leads/clients and yourself are pre-qualified for the projects (meets of mutual mind, and goals,) land the proposal on the table.

Conversation Chatters

1. What are

a. ...some music that you like

b. ...your favourite TV shows

c. ...some new encounters

d. ...something you noticed about the spring

e. ...someplace you would rather be

f. ...some chores you don't like but do it anyway

g. ...some surprise you experienced

h. ...some books you read

2. Name a country you have travelled to.

3. What musical instruments do you play?

4. Were you part of any sports teams in high school?

5. How many siblings do you have and what are their names?

6. What is a positive trait you like about yourself?

7. What is your favourite cuisine?

8. Where would you like to visit if money is not an issue?

9. Can you list some of your talents that you are proud of?

10. Tell us about the story of a sentimental object.

11. Whom do you admire as a child?

12. Who is your favourite teacher?

13. I feel relaxed when...

14. I went to a...

15. I thought about...

16. I persevered through...

17. I spent time with...

18. I really enjoyed...

19. I regret not...

20. I wish I completed...

21. An accomplishment that I am always proud of is...

22. A lesson I learned was

23. I listened to...

24. I made a...

25. I spent lots of effort on...

26. I forgot to...

27. I sure wish I had...

28. I spent some money on...

29. I splurged on...

30. I walked to...

31. I asked for...

32. To be assertive, I need to

33. I would like to set the following as my boundaries:

34. I read...

35. I told...

36. I decided not to...

37. I decided to...

38. I wish I had decided to...

39. I wish I made a better decision...

40. I was made an offer by...

Activities to Do On the Weekends

  • Card games, Board games, Chess
  • Watch Comedy, Sports, TV shows, Movies
  • Holing, Geocache, Skating, Skiing
  • Parties, Celebration, Anniversary
  • Canoeing, Gliding, Surfing, Swimming, Diving
  • Bowling, Golf, Tennis, Ping Pong, Badminton
  • Car Ride, Beach Walk, Summer Walk, Gym
  • Picnic, Family Time, Amusement Park
  • Sky Diving, Flights, Air Balloon, Kite Flying
  • Camp Fire, Travel, Local Trips, Bingo

Planning and Reviewing Weekends

1. This Weekend I plan to take time for...

2. An improvement over last weekend will be...

3. On the weekend I will work on...

4 On the weekend I will remember to...

5. I will enjoy ( ) this weekend

6. This weekend I will practice...

7. Other than sleeping, I will relax this weekend by...

8. The healthiest thing I plan to do for myself this weekend is...

9. This weekend I anticipate...

10. A good weekend for me is one where...

11. This weekend I am concerned about...

12. Two productive things I can do this weekend are...

13. I will achieve a work/leisure balance in my weekend by...

14. This weekend I will avoid...

15. Something I can do this weekend to pamper myself is...

16. This weekend I am looking forward to...

17. Something I will do to meet my physical activity needs this weekend is...

18. Something I will do this weekend that will offer me a sense of accomplishment is...

19. Reflecting on the past weekend, I feel...

20. Something I can do this weekend to improve my mood is...

21. In order not to be socially isolated this weekend...

22. Interesting things I can do this weekend are...

23. Most of my time this weekend will be spent on...

24. A leisure activity I tried this weekend was...

It was helpful for me because...

25. I was productive on the weekend by doing...

Being productive was helpful because...

26. Something I did to pamper myself on the weekend was...

Pampering helped me feel...

27. A positive person I spent some time with on the weekend...

I appreciated our time together because...

28. I spent some time alone doing...

One way I could improve my alone-time is...

29. Something I plan to do for myself this week is...

#6 Creative/Positive Journal

More than just a writing journal, it can be a collective of things they did that they saved up for review later. It is a collective experience journal of relaxation and therapeutic activities.

This is a journal for YOU. It is for your healing, joyful, peaceful, loving, lively, hopeful, encouraging thoughts

It is not meant for listing your worries and dislikes. You can buy another journal for that if you wish.

Categories of things that might be included in your journals:

Positive Writing:

Positive journaling, make-believe journaling, story writing, writing poetry, creating skits.

Art Therapy by-product:

Collage making, picture colouring, stickers and photo scrapbooks, colouring glass stone, painting pottery

Memories of Making Things:

Stone making, key & photo frame making, ring & necklace making, origami, flowers making, arranging flowers, creating soap, herbal bags.

Music Therapy by-product:

Listening to soothing music, singing, mixing tapes, creating fun music.

#7 Participation Journal

Participate in guide imagery meditation, walking in woods, parks, waterfall, oceans, lakes, & enjoying four seasons, positive food play, getting a massage, participating in aquatic dance, dance stretches, singing

Here are some examples of what you might put in your journal.

  • Affirmation - e.g. Today I will remember to take care of myself
  • Quotes - e.g. that inspire you or make you smile
  • Lyrics - e.g. from your favourite songs
  • Lists - or pictures of your favourite songs, foods, people, flowers, books, movies, etc.
  • Memories - of a trip you have taken, a person you met, etc.
  • Jokes - that you heard or made up
  • Photographs - of people, places or things you like
  • Cut out from magazines - words that describe you, words or pictures of things you like, pictures of your favourite places.
  • Dream - you have - write about them, draw them, and think about them.

Take out your journal and keep track of simple, joyful things that happen daily... a bright blue sky scrambled eggs the way you like them... or things that happen only every so often...

Your journal is a work in progress; it's a process of reflecting and hoping about things that are meaningful for you. Keep adding to your journal or simply take it out and look over what you have put into it already.

20 ноября 2021 г. 5:48 1 Отчет Добавить Подписаться
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Juvi E. Anne Juvi E. Anne
very informative!