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The village

The Village

By Roman Cafini

Chapter 1

For once, Felix didn't feel like eating. Not after the nauseating dream he had that night. It started off as a cheery little country town, and then, after a couple minutes, it was hell. Kinda like where Felix lived. A small little run down village that had only a few, large houses, and a lot of rusty old supermarkets. Felix’s cornflakes sat in his bowl. He gestured his hand towards the milk, and poured it in the bowl. On second thought, I'm not hungry, he thought. He pushed the bowl towards his mum, who was cooking her breakfast. “I’m going to school, Bye!” His mum just silently smiled and waved goodbye.

The bus ride to school was as boring or maybe even more boring than school itself. But after two sleeping in class incidents, it was lunch. Felix usually sat alone at school, but for some reason, everyone was clinging to him. Felix thought it had to be a dream, so he pardoned himself from the sticky cafeteria seats, and ran to the bathroom. He drooped to the sink, and splashed water on his face. Felix swung his head up to the mirror. Screams filled the hallways, and Felix peered through the door. His fellow classmates flowed through the halls like flowing water. Felix sped out through the halls back to the cafeteria. A man, not from this school, pulled a student out the fire exit door. Felix curiously tiptoed to the door, pushed back by the students flooding out the cafeteria. When Felix reached the dorway, the shadowy figure dragged the student by the legs out of the school door.Felix was scared out of his mind. But Felix wasn't afraid enough not to keep going.A blood curdling scream echoed off the walls, and into Felix’s ears.Felix gripped his ear’s tightly so he could block the scream from entering his ears.A menacing laugh pierced his ears and more and more Felix was tempted to run the other way, but he kept his ground.When Felix peered out the school, he witnessed the man brutally tug the student through an alleyway, leaving a trail of blood behind.Felix nearly threw up at the sight of that blood. There was only one person who he could talk to (and maybe even believe him).Felix’s best and most trusted friend, Jimmy. Jimmy lived up the street from Felix, and Jimmy lived in the biggest, most elegant house in the village. The house right now is going through massive renovations inside.The floors were covered in mats, to prevent the paint from dribbling down the wall’s. Suddenly, the fire sprinkler system came on, and Felix’s sandy brown hair got drenched in water.

When Felix got home, his house was dank, and empty. He threw his bag on the ground, and slouched into his bedroom and fell onto his bed. As soon as his head hit the pillow, the day's troubles came flushing back to him.The blood, the students running, the alarms you name it. Felix stood up and sleepily slumped out the front door for some fresh air. Felix opened the front door, and took a deep breath. Felix exhaled, and fell right onto the bench.Felix eyed his neighbors house with curiosity. Caution tape was lined outside Jimmy's house. Jimmy's parents stood outside the house, police standing on the front lawn, taking notes on the situation. The scene put A knot in his stomach, and Felix nearly let out tears. Jimmy was the victim! It just made sense. Today, in school, the man took a male student, leaving a trail of blood behind. Now, Jimmy was dead.His body was outlined in chalk on his driveway. Now, Felix really let the tears run.The tears scuttled down his face. This was enough. A crappy little run-down village like this shouldn't have crime this severe.Right on time, Felix’s phone rang. It’s his Dad.Felix raised the phone to his ear and spoke in the most calm voice he could do. “H-hello,” Felix mumbled. Felix’s dad answered in a bit of a laughing tone “I won't be home for another 3 hours, sorry about that!” Felix was disappointed, and worried. T.V and pizza would fix this up. Felix typed in the number for the local pizza place, Tim’s pizza. The depressed sounding pizza place employee answered with a tired tone. “Welcome to Tim’s pizza, how can I help you?” Felix placed his order, which consisted of a large meatlovers pizza, and a small coke.

When the delivery man reached the house, he rang the doorbell, and Felix jogged to the door. Felix handed him the money, the man gave him his order, and the man left. Felix plonked himself on the couch and reached for the remote. He clicked the ON button, and the news flicked on. The reporter commented. “A vicous murder at school. One casualty”. Felix automatically knew they were talking about his school, because in the background, was his school. Even the pizza didn't appeal to him anymore. Felix took a sip of the coke, and put it down. Felix suddenly felt an urge of depression. His eyes began to swell, and cry again.Jimmy had been his best friend since the age of 5, and now, his childhood best friend, was gone.He fell onto a pillow. Felix’s tears dampened the pillow. Felix flicked in his favourite channel, and lifted his heavy eyes onto the T.V. A children’s TV show turned on, and the bright colors shone all over the white walls. I need to get the police involved, Felix thought.Felix mourned on the couch for a little longer, and after a while, he fell asleep.Felix’s Mum came home around 4:00, and his dad, at around 6:00. Felix’s mum had a wise idea to let Felix rest on the couch for the night. They put a blanket on him, and then they left.

Felix woke up at about 3:00 in the morning, to the sound of someone knocking at Jimmy's door. Felix managed to pull himself from the bed, and slump to the window. Felix yanked up the blinds, and stared at Jimmy's front door. A man dressed in a white shirt, and black jeans, stood in front of their light brown timber door. Felix was heavily devastated, so he finally decided after two minutes, decided to go back to sleep.

Chapter 2

When Felix woke up, he heard the heavy grumbling of the thunder, and the Sound of the patting rain. His stomach grumbled nearly every morning at the same time, but this time, it didn't. He had lost his ongoing appetite, to the scene of Jimmy’s blood. The blood that had been from his friend that is. Felix leaped up from the couch, and sped past the bench, and too his bag. He yanked his torch from his backpack, and slipped out the front door. Felix knew where he was heading. The police. They could run fingerprint scans maybe, he wouldn't know, he just knew they could help. As Felix walked down the dark street, he encountered several odd things. For instance, a light brown puddle had stained the cobblestone path. Felix drooped his eyes in confusion as he eyed it.

When Felix reached the dusty old train station, his head ached of stabbing pains. He clutched his head in pain, and he thrusted his head up and yelled. When Felix had calmed down, he sat on the dirty old station bench. “Hello felix” “huh?” Felix replied. Someone was speaking to him. Felix pulled his legs up to his head and rocked back and forth in pure FEAR. When the train pulled up on the tracks, Felix was ready to leap off of his spot. When he entered the train, it was completely empty. “Hello Felix” At Least he thought he was alone. Felix turned to see a young man. The young man consisted of a terribly shaved face, bags under his eyes and baggy clothes. After about half an hour of small talk, Felix reached his destination.

“I'm begging you, you have to help me!” Felix pleaded “sorry kid, we've done all we can, we've searched the place, no suspects” the cop explained. On the dank police station walls, an updated missing persons list. On the list it included a bunch of names he didn't know, but the one that caught his eye was Jimmy. An old black and white photo of Jimmy stared back at him. Jimmy’s silent eyes glistened in the photo. Felix kept pleading on for another twenty minutes until he got what he wanted. The police had agreed to have a decent search of the middle school. That's all Felix needed to hear. When Felix came back through the door, he felt a pump of hope, as the police were legit, and that he knew he could count on them. Felix’s parents had still not awoken from their sleep, so Felix began to do some research. First, he searched up his middle school. Within 0.43 seconds [according to what the search browser had told him] the news popped up. He moved to mouse over to the news, and immediately clicked it. What seemed like a million adverts for the murder popped up at once, and Felix had no idea were to start. Felix hopped up from his desk, and pulled out a pen, and a piece of blank paper. When Felix returned from the office a strange thing had happened. A bunch of ad’s popped up all over the screen. Ad’s for free stuff or winning money or gambling or other crap. When Felix clicked the cross to get the ad off his screen, his screen went black, and two white eyes popped up on the screen. A small grin peered up on the screen, and Felix gasped. “Hello, Felix!” The thing on the screen said. Felix slapped the laptop down, and sweat rolled down his face. “Felix?” Felix jumped A ruler length in the air at that sound. Felix’s mother stood at the stairway. That's who asked for Felix. But it didn't explain the hello Felix thing. He opened the laptop again, and it was gone. He checked the news again, and found something even worse than the face. It read Cops killed at middle school, yet another murder in a small town. Felix was devastated and scared.The cops that he had trusted, went to the school, that he goes to and DIED. Felix’s dad screamed in laughter as he strolled down the stairs HOLDING A BLOODY KNIFE. Felix’s instincts caught on to him, and he ran out the door. His dad followed, sprinting. Felix and his dad were sprinting along the curvy streets. How could my dad do this ? he thought. His dad's smug smile leapt across his face. A dog sat on the sidewalk. Quickly, Felix yelled “save me” he said. The quickest town police was the police in a small town like his called fevertown. This gave Felix some anxiety. Got to get to fever town in time...

18 ноября 2021 г. 10:06 2 Отчет Добавить Подписаться
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Об авторе


RC Roman Cafini
Your story is weird and confusing and needs a prequel


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