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Advertising on Inkspired allows your brand to get a new kind of exposure in our community, our platform and beyond.

We use advanced machine learning algorithms to make sure your brand gets higher exposure and is better targeted to users in a natural non-invasive way. As a platform, we deeply take care of how, when and to whom your content will be best served. Benefit from the thousands of users that engage with Inkspired every day to read and write stories, and interact with other people.

By working with us, we will help boost your brand's visibility to cater to our users and foster engagement, and therefore increasing your brand's SEO performance in front of search engines.

Ways to advertise on Inkspired


#1.- Make a placement of your article or story on Inkspired

Also known as sponsored content. Draft your own article/story, send it to us, and after a review, we will help you publish it on our story catalog and get it exposed to our readers. You may use any kind of media, from text-only to pictures and videos. In some cases, and for specific articles, we also allow link insertion.


/ 30 дней


/ 90 дней


/ permanent

Interested? E-mail us to get started

#2.- Place your brand on our advertisement rotating banners

Non-premium users are exposed to rotating graphic Advertising banners every 5 chapters. Banners like these help to boost your brand's awareness through visuals, and helps to make conversions on the desired call-to-action.

Interested? Fill out our form to get started

#3.- Sponsor our signature competition

Кубок Авторов is an international annual storytelling competition where emerging writers and creators compete for completing the most amount of creative challenges throughout 3 months.

The competition itself seeks to discover the most dedicated, versatile, and creative emerging creators on the platform, regardless of their nationality, location, writing genre, language, or background.

Sponsoring an event like this could represent a great opportunity for your brand to get media attention from creatives and authors in an international context, plus make a big cultural impact.

Interested? Связаться с нами

#4.- Позвольте нам написать творческую историю или контент с вашим брендом

The Inkspired writer's team will take your brand, draft a creative story around it, and publish it in our platform in the form of narrative. Once delivered to you, you can also publish it in your own blog/website. Your story will blend as a natural part of our community.

Benefit from a new audience visiting your website, and also from all the originated backlinks that will increase your brand's visibility in search engines.

Interested? Get a quote today