We who say good bye Follow author

alicealamo Alice Alamo

You call me, I answer this time. There are no words to say. I didn’t forgive you, you still think you’re right, father still wait for you with arms open and ready to forget all. That’s how family is. Some problems have no solution, some questions have no answer and... some feelings are too fragile and just let you destroy them once. This is what happened to us, Sis. It’s sad, but in our silence we know it and we just can be sorry for all. We turn off the phone. It’s a good bye. The last one.

#drama #theauthorscup #themicrostoryller
  May 26, 2019, 03:14.
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2 Комментарии
Javiera Hidalgo Javiera Hidalgo
This microfiction hits deep. The way you capture the complexity of family, the unspoken pain, and the bittersweet finality of goodbye—it's both heart-wrenching and relatable. Life's full of moments where silence speaks louder than words. Sometimes, saying goodbye is the hardest part, but it seems like in this story, it's the only way forward. Powerful stuff.
Ariane Munhoz Ariane Munhoz
Achei um ótimo fechamento para a história, demonstra que nem sempre temos um felizes para sempre mesmo que a gente queira, porque isso não depende apenas da gente. Fiquei muito feliz por te acompanhar em mais essa história, Allie! Parabéns por concluir mais um desafio!

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