Disconnected Подписаться на блог

Hidden Universe
Information and thoughts. Easy to read, just hard to follow. But as anything, not impossible! Go ahead!! 0 отзывы

#disconnected #faith #love
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We are feeling DISCONNECTED

Technology and faith had collated instead of proving a way to share our ideas and believes, we are left feeling more disconnected than ever.

How many times we see people passing near us, but do we talk to them? Yes, we don´t or barley do. Well, we are just wasting our time, letting amazing people go in and out of our lives or not even giving ourselves time to know them.

Yes yes, all of that so true and we all know it. So, why is it that difficult to communicate? to get to know someone? to be friendly? It may not be the best answer for those questions, but at least is one. And it is love, loving ourselves first and being able to love others infinitely.

But how do we know if it is the best answer? Well there is no way to know it, just if we try it. And then, maybe we will respond to ourselves. So, why not putting love as a trend? Let´s!!!

So, how to do it?

I am not an expert, not at all, but in my mind if you don´t try, then there is no way to figure anything out. So, how to do it? Well, I don´t have more recommendation than just experiment by yourself!!

At internet we can find lots of ideas of how to love ourselves like (some that I found reading online): cooking, meditation, exercise and an infinite lists of ideas. But that might overwhelm anyone, and we get to the point that we just want to know the most effective ones, so we can put them on practice and get to succeed relating with ourselves and others specially.

But, is that happiness really real, pure and more important infite? I might tell you, probably not. Because those things are temporary, are not eternal, real nor pure.

So our constant searching for happiness it is just a sign, a clear sign that we need guidance. But, from whom?

Here I do have a direct and clear answer, I am catholic, so I say: God, but you might have other believes so my God might be different for yours or none. So, respect that from yourself and embrace it. Let’s just start there. First find someone or something to believe in and surrender to.

And you may be asking or wondering: and then what? Which is the next step?

Well the answer is none, because you won’t need any more steps to follow if you made the first one. If you need something through this process is time, believe, trust and faith.

11 февраля 2019 г. 3:53 1 Отчет Добавить 5
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