Sage the wise Seguir

United States.
29.9mil Palavras
ENTROU Dez 10, 2021
Inko Mid Senior Nível 2

Minhas Histórias

The Heroes Of Stone Heart: The Scratch For The Fragments

História não Verificada This is the second book of the series the heroes of stone heart. In this book they're looking for the fragments of the Creator's heart and continue they're crazy adventure now with a little boy named Benny they will have to fight some old enemies an…
7.1mil visualizações 3 1 Novo capítulo A cada 30 dias

The Heroes of Stone Heart: The beginning

In the land of stone heart is being threaten and the ones that can save their world is a group of 7 people. Called the rainbow hoods but will they be able to find each other and stop the dark lord Radcliff. Can a girl named Annie-mal be the leader …
26.6mil visualizações 15 6 História concluída

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