319 Palavras
ENTROU Jun 12, 2021
Inka Knight Nível 3

Minhas Histórias

G - 2

In the Universe G - 2 all men and animals are concerned with Internet. A team of the wisest men lead the G-2 with the help of technology. Only one rule for all - " Everyone is relative", that means respect all and no hate, no harm. There is no enmi…
1 histórias 3.4mil visualizações 2

G - 2

História não Verificada The world after the connection between human brain and Internet is considered - "G - 2" that means - Globe - 2 or, Generation - 2. In this fantasy I will show my dream as well as imagination to create a different world for peace and development of a…
8.2mil visualizações 7 4 Novo capítulo Todas as Terças-feiras

New thinking and consciousness

História não Verificada Knowledge is the greatest power in the Universe. To develop it, we need new thinking and consciousness. I describe my new thinking and consciousness. You may think your own consciousness for the welfare of humankind.
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