
jailyn O’Donoghue Seguir

American Samoa.
ENTROU Set 05, 2021
Inka Knight Nível 3

Minhas Histórias

Star darlings versus the zombie apocalypse

História não Verificada The story is about the starlings at Sterling Academy hearing about an unknown virus that has been released into the air and then starting to fear that it would be an apocalyptic nightmare of a zombie virus
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Carry the haunted killer doll

História não Verificada This story is about multiple families getting a haunted killer doll named Carrie in the mail and then carry ends up killing one of the family members that is in the house that she’s in
2.5mil visualizações História concluída

Madeline‘s possession

História não Verificada This story is about a teenage girl named Madeline who was only 15 years old and got possessed a day before her sweet 16
2.2mil visualizações História concluída

The wrath of Kathleen‘s crazy aunt, Kate

História não Verificada This story is about a girl named Kathleen who finds out on the news that her aunt, Kate killed many people, after Kate tried to kill her and her mother
2.1mil visualizações Novo capítulo A cada 30 dias

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