gaby-depp Maria Gabriella Lazzarini

This is a story I planned to submit for the "The Magical Quest" challenge, but I got carried away, and it no longer fit the requirements. I decided to take my time and do the story I wanted to do and forget about the challenge. It is a story about the longing for freedom. Scotland's desire to dissolve the union, and remain in the European Union. It also talks about William Wallace, Robert the Bruce, some Scottish politicians from the SNP and the Alba Party (Angus Robertson, Nicola Sturgeon, Ian Blackford, and Alex Salmond), and the English Monarchy (Queen Elizabeth II, King Charles III, and Princess Diana). The characters of Robert the Bruce and William Wallace are based on the actors from "Braveheart": Angus MacFadyen and Mel Gibson. I do not speak Scottish Gaelic, and I used a Translator from Google. If any of you find any errors, please let me know so I can correct them. Images used copyright of the owners Thank you! I hope you enjoy the story. Scotland is not England Northern Ireland is not England Wales is not England Gibraltar is not England Malvinas* is not England *Not Falklands, Malvinas Not Kelpers, Malvinenses Not British, Argentinian

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An fhàidheadaireachd dorcha (The Dark Age Prophecy)

Note of the author: I do not speak Scottish Gaelic. I used a translator. Please if you do speak that beautiful magic language, let me know in the comments any corrections you see fit. Thanks all. Enjoy the story. I hope Scotland will soon be a free country!


An fhàidheadaireachd dorcha (The Dark Age Prophecy)

In the year of our Lord 1305, Robert the Bruce (Scottish Gaelic: Raibeart an Bruis) and William Wallace's men (William Wallace in Scottish Gaelic: Uilleam Ualas) had a secret meeting to honor his memory. After the battle of Stirling, he was captured and killed by the English which led him to obtain a legendary status far beyond his homeland.


Raibeart invited Aonghus to this meeting. Aonghus whose name means "excellent valor" was a well-known sorcerer but the truth was he was an Alchemist. Aonghus was a Knight Templar. He had met William in the Crusades.

In that meeting, Aonghus told Uilleam Ualas's men and Raibeart an Bruis The Dark Age Prophecy.


He was losing his powers, he needed them to help him cast some spells so that when the time came he could help Scotland be free. Scotland would undergo a period of wars for Independence but finally, the English would succeed and Scotland would be part of the English Kingdom. But the time for Scotland to break free would come and from that time onwards they would be forever free.

Everyone in the meeting silently paid attention to Aonghus's words. His prophecy said: "Cha mhair an soarsa againn a dh 'fhaid. Thig a 'Bheurla garbh gu tràilleachd. Thèid Alba a riaghladh le Shasainn airson grunn bhliadhnaichean. Bidh rìgh a’ riaghladh Sasainn agus Alba. Thig e còmhla ris an dà rìoghachd. Air an latha sin caillidh sinn ar saorsa." (Our freedom will not last. The English will trick us into slavery. Scotland will be ruled by England for many years to come. A king will rule England and Scotland. He will join the two kingdoms. That day we will lose our freedom.)


"Às deidh banrigh làidir gun tig rìgh lag ann. Bidh i air a’ chathair as fhaide. (After a strong queen there will be a weak king. She will be on the throne for the longest).


"Bidh a mac air a chrùnadh aig seann aois." (Her son will be crowned at an old age.)


"Bidh e air shàrachadh le Taibhse a 'bhean marbh aige." (He will be haunted by the phantom of his dead wife.)

"Bidh muinntir Shasainn fhathast dìleas don chuimhne aice." (The people of England will remain faithful to her memory.)


"Bidh e na dhuine aig nach eil stuth." (He will be a man of no substance.)

"Bidh banachd ùidh aige ann an eòin agus na dealbham na bhith ag ionnsachadh mar a tha thu nad rìgh." (He will be more interested in birds and paintings than in learning to be king.)


"Bheir muinntir na h-Alba e." (The people of Scotland will reject him.)


"Cuimhnichidh Alba thu fhèin agus Uilleam. Do chàirdeas, do aislingean mu shaorsa. Togaidh iad do bhratach." (Scotland will remember you and William. Your friendship, your dreams of freedom. They will pick up your flag.)


"Bruidhnidh Alba ar cànan a-rithiot agus bidh e a 'iontadh ar n-earchdraidh." (Scotland will speak our language again and will treasure our history.) "Anns a 'mhile bliadhna ùr bidh Alba a 'briseadh na slabhraidhean a tha a-nis ag ath-meadhachadh ar soarsa" (In the new millennium Scotland will break the chains that are now restraining us.)


"Feumaidh sinn geas a chuir air geasannach na h-Alba a dhion. Bidh Nessie a 'cadal gus an soar sinn ar rioghachd. Bidh Teampallach ridire a 'briseadh an geas seo agus bidh Nessie na shambla air spoirad Soarsa agus Rebel na h-Alba." (We need to cast a spell to protect the Guardian of Scotland. Nessie will sleep until we free our kingdom. As a knight Templar, I will break the spell and Nessie will be the symbol of our free and rebellious spirit.)


Everyone was in silence. The need to keep Nessie free was very important. His legend was the key to Scotland's identity.

Aonghus looked at everyone, "My power is fading. Edward Longshanks's sorcerers are working to vanish my magic. I need your help. I will cast the spell to put Nessie to sleep, I will also cast a love spell so when the time is right a pure soul lass will wake me with a kiss. Then you will follow my instructions to cast a spell on me. You will take my sleeping body to a hidden place. When the time is right, a pure, goodhearted lass will feel a calling that will bring her to me. She will kiss me and break the spell. Her kiss will restore all my powers and my magic will be strong because there will not be other sorcerers, wizards, witches, or alchemists left. I will help the Scottish people to fuel their hopes for freedom and independence."

After our independence is secure I will wake Nessie. I will go to a cave in the Highlands and I will reunite with all of you in Heaven. Our lives and sacrifices won't be in vain."

They all shouted, "Saor Alba! Alba gu bràth! Alba an asgaidh!" (Free Scotland! Scotland forever! Scotland free!)


Wallace's men escorted Aonghus to Loch Ness where they helped the sorcerer to cast the spell on Nessie.


Nessie fell into a deep sleep. He swam to the bottom of the loch where he lay and slept safely until the sorcerer could wake him and give him to the free people of Scotland.

It was hard for those men who had just lost their friend and leader to trust Raibeart an Bruis and to say goodbye to the Guardian of Scotland, Nessie. The future of Scotland lay on their shoulders. They would fight against the English even though they knew they would lose. Their battles, sacrifices, and lives would be the spark that would ignite the fire of independence in the distant future.

Raibert the Bruis would be King. And the people of Scotland would remember how he stood against the English and fought for Scotland's freedom.


Raibeart an Bruis, along with Uilleam Ualas and his men would become legends, poems about their courage would be written and nobody could ever forget the history they wrote with their blood.


Aonghus prepared Raibeart and the warriors to learn how to cast the spell on him. After a week of careful planning, they found a cave near Edinburgh, and Raibeart an Bruis assisted by Ualas's men successfully performed the spell on Aonghus.

History took its course. As The Dark Age Prophecy predicted England defeated Scotland and ruled for centuries. But also as it was predicted Raibeart an Bruis fought against the English and became a King.

The Union of the Crowns (Scottish Gaelic: Aonadh nan Crùintean) was the accession of James VI of Scotland to the throne of the Kingdom of England as James I and the practical unification of some functions of the two separate realms under a single individual on 24 March 1603.

The Acts of Union (Scottish Gaelic: Achd an Aonaidh) were two Acts of Parliament: the Union with Scotland Act 1706 passed by the Parliament of England, and the Union with England Act 1707 passed by the Parliament of Scotland. They put into effect the terms of the Treaty of Union that had been agreed on 22 July 1706, following negotiation between commissioners representing the parliaments of the two countries. By the two Acts, the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland—which at the time were separate states with separate legislatures, but with the same monarch—were, in the words of the Treaty, "United into One Kingdom by the Name of Great Britain".

The Kingdom of Scotland was divided between the ones in favor and against English rule.

Time went by. The new millennium came, and Aonghus was still sleeping in the cave, waiting for the time to wake and help Scotland achieve its long-awaited dream of freedom.



Aileen was a 15-year-old adolescent. Her mother died when she was young, and she went to live with her mother's sister, Jennifer. Aileen was fascinated by Scottish history, traditions, legends, and mythology. She grew up in a traditional Scottish family, all her family and relatives were proud Scottish nationalists, and they supported the SNP (Scottish National Party).


Her uncle was no other than Angus Robertson (former Deputy Leader of the SNP), a close friend of Ian Blackford (a very distinguished and feisty member of the SNP and also an MP representing the SNP at Westminster).


Alex Salmond (former Prime Minister of Scotland, former leader of the SNP, and now leader of the Alba Party), and Nicola Sturgeon (former Prime Minister of Scotland and leader of the SNP).


The three of them are very committed to the cause of Scottish independence. Aileen's mother wanted her to learn stories about great figures of Scotland. Of course, Aileen learned Gaelic. She also learned to play the bagpipes. She grew fond of all her Uncle Angus's SNP friends. It was Ian who told her about the legend of Robert the Bruce's sorcerer and Nessie. She loved being with all these "National Heroes" as she used to call them.

When she turned 12, she had a special birthday request. That year she was going to receive the sacrament of confirmation and she needed a godmother or a godfather. She wanted Nicola, Ian, and Alex to be her godparents during the confirmation ritual. She saw on TV that Roman Catholics in Spain and Italy were presented before the bishop by a godparent, and she wanted to follow that ritual. Her uncle, talked to the bishop to make the arrangements. Her three godparents were delighted to be part of Aileen's life.


Today was a great day for Aileen, she joined the Youth Wing of the SNP. She was happy, she decided to take a walk in the woods near Edinburgh and found the entrance of a cave. She went in and found Aonghus lying asleep. She tried to wake him up but couldn't. She thought he was very attractive. She touched his handsome face and felt drawn to kiss him. Like in fairy tales, he woke up after being kissed. Aonghus looked at her. He realized that he had slept for a long time considering the strange way this lass was dressed. Aonghus didn't want to scare her.

Aileen asked him what his name was. He couldn't understand what she was saying. She offered him some water. "Would you like some water?"

Aonghus didn't understand. Aileen took a bottle of water from her bag and said, "Uisge?"

She spoke Gaelic! Aonghus was ecstatic. He nodded and drank some water. "Mo thaig dhut." (My thanks to you)

She smiled. "Is mise, Aileen. Dè an t-ainm a th’ oirbh? (I am Aileen. What's your name?)

"Is mise Aonghus. Is mise an draoidh aig Raibeart an Bruis." (I am Aonghus. I am Robert the Bruce's sorcerer.)


Aonghus told her his story. He was surprised by the way Aileen behaved. He thought she would panic. To his surprise, she not only didn't panic, she knew his story very well. To Aileen, it was a legend but now that she met Aonghus, she knew the legend was in fact, part of Scottish history. She asked him to wait for her. She would ask for a friend's help. She went outside the cave and took her mobile phone from her bag. She called her uncle, Angus.


She told him about her discovery. Her uncle got worried, he thought it was some kind of joke Aileen's friends were playing on her. She told her uncle the way Aonghus was dressed, how she found him, how she woke him up, and that the young man only spoke Gaelic. She sent her location to her uncle and asked him to drive there. They needed to take Aonghus to a safe place. Her uncle needed to summon Nicola, Ian, and Alex. Angus refused to call his friends until he saw the boy and found out if this was a prank.

Upon arriving at the location Aileen had sent him. Angus got worried because he didn't see her around. He called out her name. After a while, he heard her say: "I'm coming!" She told Aonghus to stay in the cave while she spoke to her uncle. She asked him to trust her. There was no need for her to do that. He knew he was safe. This was the way he predicted things would happen.

Angus heard some noises and looked in that direction. He saw the vegetation moving. From behind some ivy branches, he saw Aileen emerge. She told her uncle to follow him. They entered the cave where Aileen introduced Aonghus to her uncle, Angus. Angus looked around the cave. They had a conversation in Gaelic and then Angus invited him to his house. Angus told him they were going to help him but Aonghus told them it was he who was going to help them. They took everything Aonghus had with him in the cave to the car, and Angus drove home.

While Aileen and Aonghus talked nonstop in the back seat, Angus was trying to figure out how to tell Nicola, Ian, and Alex. It was easier to lure them in with a lie than by telling them the truth, which was hard to believe even to himself.

Upon arriving home, Aileen introduced Aonghus to her aunt. She was speechless. Her uncle told Aileen to show Aongus the house, take him to the guest room, give him some of his clothes, and explain to him how to use the shower. Aileen nodded and took Aonghus with her. Angus looked at his wife, took her in his arm, and excitedly whispered in her ear, "The legend is true!". He felt he was a child again. His grandfather used to tell him stories about old times. He felt so happy that he couldn't help crying.

Angus called his friends and urged them to go to his home as soon as possible. They agreed to meet on Saturday.

Upon arriving at Angus's house on Saturday, he told them about Aonghus, Nessie, Robert the Bruce, and William Wallace's men. They thought he was crazy but Angus told Ailen to bring Aonghus. Angus told his friends: "I hope you have practiced Gaelic lately because this lad only speaks that language."

They all looked at each other in disbelief. Aileen came back escorted by a young man dressed in old fashion clothes. Ayleen told Anghus that they didn't believe who he was, he had to do something to let them see he was really who he said he was.


Aonghus asked Aileen for the history book she had shown him the day before. He cast a spell and what happened next blew everyone's mind...


He opened a portal and said, "Bidh Raibeart an Bruis agus Uilleam Ualas a’ tighinn chun na h-ùine seo agus a’ coinneachadh ri ar caraidean ùra." (Robert the Bruce and William Wallace come to this time and meet our new friends.)