dionne-allen1556113738 Dionne Allen

His name is David Seville as my doll-size pal and the chipmunks’ adoptive human single harried father been shrunk by Simon’s shrinking ray when Alvin zapped him and give Dave to a cartoon ten years old deaf African American girl seems alone and sad since he cheer up her.

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Episode pilot outside of toy store in town... "That's Barbie doll. it says fifteen dollar? I didn't have any money to buy that. I better go now," a cartoon ten years old deaf African American girl noticed that. "Oh. I will tell Dave now," Alvin Seville of red-clad twelve years old troublemaker chipmunk peeks at that when he hides behind of the tree near the blue mailbox.

The next scene in the sturdy room at 702 Liberty Lane of Seville house... "La! I write on my song note,” the chipmunks’ cartoon adoptive human single harried father David Seville (Dave) works on his song festival by a black piano. “Dave, I talk to you about something,” his cartoon adoptive red-clad twelve years old middle troublemaker son chipmunk Alvin Seville comes here. “(Sighs: What you want to talk about,” Alvin?) He stopped working since takes a look at him. “I ask a favor that would you be a doll-size pal for a deaf African American girl who didn't have any money to buy a Barbie doll please,” Dave. “No. I didn’t want to be a doll-size pal for her,” his cartoon adoptive human single-harried father David Seville (Dave) shook and answered saying no to him. “She is alone and sad. I beg you,” Dave? He begs. “Alright. I am in,” Alvin.

Meanwhile in Simon’s secret hidden lab room in the basement... “I pick Simon’s shrinking ray out of the closet,” Dave. his cartoon adoptive middle red-clad twelve years old troublemaker son chipmunk Alvin Seville searches for this. “Hold on... you can’t use his shrinking ray to zap me,” Alvin. He suspects him. “Relax. I will turn a button on and zap you to shrink down into a tiny doll-size,” Dave. “(High-pitch squeaky voice: Reverse me back to normal-size,” Alvin! The chipmunks’ cartoon adoptive human single harried father David Seville (Dave) yells his name says, Alvin! “Calm down. I take you with me,” Dave. He picks him up now.

Afternoon over my pink house at Lilac St. “Who are you,” a cartoon ten years old deaf African American girl hears someone rings the doorbell. “My name is Alvin Seville. I have a surprise gift for you,” he introduced me. “Wow! Thank you,” Alvin. I take a gift box from him. “Welcome. I have to go now. bye!” Alvin Seville of red-clad twelve troublemaker cartoon chipmunk manners and left head home. “Bye, Alvin. I close the door. I wonder what it is in this,” a cartoon ten years old deaf African American girl waves say bye to him.

Whatever funny happens in the scene in my master bedroom... “Oh, wells? I have to open that. Cool! that’s a new ken doll look like Dave?” “I am not a doll. My name is David Seville,” big girl. The chipmunks’ cartoon adoptive human single harried father David Seville (Dave) cues. “You are talking to me?!” A cartoon ten years old deaf African American girl freaks out and drops him on the pink rug carpet. “Ouch! Don’t panic. Alvin asked me to be your doll-size pal because he zapped me to shrink into a tiny doll-size by Simon’s shrinking ray,” big girl. “Are sure about that,” Mr. Seville. I read lip to communicate with him. “Absolutely! I guess so. What’s your name,” his high-pitch squeaky voice nods and dialog. “Dionne Allen,” Mr. Seville. “Take me back to my house and tell Simon to reverse me back to normal size,” Dionne. He said. “Okay. I take you now,” Mr. Seville. A cartoon ten years old deaf African American girl pick him up and left out of her room.

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