myopiaelay_1 Myopia Relay_1

After the virus hit, the roads became, strangely, more alive. They were everywhere and reacted to any noise with immoral aggression. Being hidden was pretty much the only way to survive. But months later, the ground turning white. The streets became empty, silent, disturbing, dead. It's time to muster up your courage and venture into lost territory.

Pós-apocalíptico Impróprio para crianças menores de 13 anos. © please do not re-upload or use it without the permission of the creator.

#zombie #death #apocalypse #zombieapocalypse #alone #world #travel #terror # #humanity #human #beginner #english #horror #fear
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Chapter 1

I opened the door slowly, hoping it didn't creak. Looking from right to left in the corridor, a blind spot prevented me from seeing the access to the elevator, which terrified me. However, no noise alerted me. In recent months, the screams had never stopped, I was delighted when one morning, no more sound could be heard. But not hearing them anymore became stressful.

I stepped out into the hallway, making sure the door didn't close behind me, keys in one hand. I didn't want to find myself having to open the door with one of his monsters on my back. I moved against the next door and with relief, no presence was to be deplored. The hallway was totally destroyed, the doors nevertheless had held, only the one at the end of the hallway was wide open and I could see streaks of blood everywhere inside.

I didn't necessarily carry Tanya in my heart before the apocalypse, but seeing the state of their apartment made me sad. I retraced my steps and took the bat from the coat rack, I preferred this weapon to a knife, even if it should be more effective, I would never be able to stab someone in cold blood... it's just too much for me. I walked slowly through the hallway, and I stopped at the door, the blood was dry and embedded in the carpet and in the walls.

Her apartment was simple, a long hallway, directly on the way in, to our left was the dining room. It was pretty basic, a long angled sofa and a large TV in front. You could walk to the kitchen, just as normal, and the last door on the left was the bathroom. The three doors on my right led to the toilets (the first locked from the inside, the top of the door had been destroyed and blood covered the toilet), a first bedroom (the parents' room) and the second bedroom, the one of Tanya and her little sister I imagine. I had never been there, but barbies and a computer were scattered everywhere.

The silence was heavy, however, the blood was old, crimson and no life seemed to be present. I didn't know why I had come in here in the first place, I didn't know what I was looking for when I came, but I turned on my heels, silent, I closed my door behind me.

Sheltered behind an almost unbreakable door, I regained my confidence, but the silence worried me, it was definitely not normal, they had never been so quiet for 3 months.

22 de Agosto de 2022 às 20:18 4 Denunciar Insira Seguir história
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DoraTheExplorer DoraTheExplorer
Wow! This is a great start
October 09, 2022, 20:40


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A survivor's dairy
A survivor's dairy

Here the univers of an apocalypse of zombie. Through all the history you will read you gonna follow the step of her story, if you want to know more about her and her past, you need to read the books =] Leia mais sobre A survivor's dairy.

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