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Soft fluff

''Stay...for me?"

It was after a party and I was ready to go home when I felt a hand grab my shoulder lightly.

"Hey, Uh can you take me home?" they asked as their hand slowly let go of my shoulder.


the ride to their house was quiet and vaguely awkward. As I take a stop at their house I could see that they were fast asleep.

'okay..' I sigh as I hold them and we travel to their room.

I lay them down in their bed and turn towards the door.

I feel a hand graze my forearm.


"Please stay... for me?"

I look into their eyes which is full of tiredness and empathy

"oh um"

My eyes shift towards my car that hasn't been parked outside.

"hold on" I point my finger up.

I run outside to park my car and then head back upstairs.

"Oh, I thought you left.." they say in a sad tone


9 de Março de 2022 às 18:41 0 Denunciar Insira Seguir história

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Tinvie . Hey, I'm 'Tinvie' And my page is all about fanfiction or regular stories stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!

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