caseymatildajones Casey Jones

Who thought babysitting was so hard? Who thought babysitting was a game? Who thought that babysitting might just end in near-death or nightmares? who thought babysitting involved trying to keep them alive? i will always remember this...babysitting the the goodmans

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"Montana...Montana, hey, come on, I NEED you to tell me what happened" I look up at the doctor with a quivering lip. everything going through my mind all at once. screams, eyes, lips, faces. my chest rising as I breathe heavily. the doctor looked at me with soft eyes. she places a soft hand on my shoulder. "hey...Montana...what did you see?" what did I see? what did I see? I saw a lot. and whoever that was? I will never...ever...recover, from the faces of those blank faces...just starring at me. "Montana...are you ready to tell me?" I looked up at the doctor and nodded as it all went through my mind again

9 de Novembro de 2021 às 18:22 0 Denunciar Insira Seguir história
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