u16308940751630894075 Lacey St. John

This is not a story whatsoever but it does give you information it’s like a dictionary but it has a little activity at the end that people can complete because it has to vocabulary words that are in it that would tell you the meaning and like an excerpt like from a movie, writing, music, or story, and also a paragraph which is something written with five sentences

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Word snack you should use

this word that I'm going to give you the definition of it's called excerpt.

excerpt:A short piece of a film, story, broadcast, music, and or writing

Paragraph: a paragraph is something from a story or essay that has five sentences.

this is a fill in the blank activity

we have to read an _________ from the movie scream in language arts class.

A. excerpt

B. paragraph

C. Sentences

D. Nouns

16 de Outubro de 2021 às 03:17 0 Denunciar Insira Seguir história

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