
Motivation about the journey it is not easy but worth it. NEVER GIVE UP

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Why the journey is not easy

THE journey is not easy at all it is not fair and it will never be but it should be viewed as a blessing and a wonderful adventure. To complete this journey it takes self-confidence,courage ,patience and faith. It is not easy because you need to work hard for what you want as they say "Hard work pays off" .Just think of it would you be able to handle something you got so easily without having to sweat for it ? Will you be able to overcome any storm that comes your way without having to go through some tough times? The moment you encounter some challenges while in this precious journey just know that you are being prepared ,you are being prepared for what's coming . Obstacles do not come your way to break you but to make you to grow you mentally,physically and spiritually they give you a direction .Do not ever think that you will not make it because of the obstacles ,it's a test and you have to choose whether you gonna stand firm and pass the test or you just gonna sit there and watch yourself fail .

Remember that it is worth it now if you could always imagine of how your hard work will pay off you will never give up .You will keep on fighting it does not matter how many times you fail but what matters is the outcome of your hard work.

2 de Setembro de 2021 às 05:34 0 Denunciar Insira Seguir história
Leia o próximo capítulo Patience,confidence and faith

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