josefessgirl elena mustafa

poetry about loving unique union with the prophet (PBUH) in a lucid dream

Poesia Romance Para maiores de 21 anos apenas (adultos).

#islam #love #prophet #lucid-dreaming #erotic #vision #spiritually #Muhammed #pbuh
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Kissed by the prophet; touched by the prophet

I enter the cave
He was praying
To the one true God
He invited me
To sit beside
Him (PBUH)
When he finishes praying
This beautiful and handsome
Kisses me passionately
As if he never saw a woman
Gets between
My thighs
And makes love
To me
In which other girls would dream
And I accept his advances
And touches
He said Sufi Mustafa
Allah love you
Great things will happen
And you're blessed
Things will be revealed
To you
As he holds my hand
Kisses me
And then disappears
I wake up
Touched spiritually and physically
In way no one can imagine

15 de Outubro de 2020 às 17:45 1 Denunciar Insira Seguir história
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