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Como Eu Realmente Sou...

O mundo, para ela, era um mar de cores. Cidades cinzas, guardas-chuvas amarelos, ruas marroms devido a poluição de sua cidade. Ela devia ser de uma cor diferente, já fora muitas, inclusive. Ruiva, lo… COMECE A LER

If I Could Talk To My Younger Self…

Inspired by a friend who told Jakye to write a book to help kids and young teens chase their dreams. COMECE A LER

McSherry Memoirs

A story of hopes and dreams, life and everything that comes in between happiness and devastation! How life has been for a young woman in who wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth, trials and … COMECE A LER

So-called writer

Inkspired's Top #1 for "Inspirational" category, in Spanish, is now out in English! Am I a writer or not? The use of “so-called” is nothing more than moral support to reinforce an idea that, even un… COMECE A LER

What's Wrong With You !

A book of little real life stories that show the balance between good and evil. Just because someone does 'evil' things, it doesn't mean they are evil. Most people are just lost. We have iniquities… COMECE A LER

Andrea's Biography

The written biography of a young adult, focusing on the main events that upturned her life. COMECE A LER

Dr. Arslan Akhtar Ali: True Value of Survival

It is the Biography of Dr. Arslan Akhtar Ali who is the Founder/CEO of the International Mental Health Organization 'Psychology Experts' COMECE A LER

Hiding behind religion

A story about motherhood, love, betrayal, heartache and the strength and courage of starting over COMECE A LER


Bright's ocassional life and how she dealt with life situation and circumstances. Overcoming depression and coming out strong from them. N.B. These are real life stories. COMECE A LER

Love, Asher

Asher is a young adult who has gone through many things, desiring to live and seek answers to their life problems. A wise child who was and is bullied continuously through their lifetime because who … COMECE A LER

Love This Journey For Me

Life was sweet and easy once I moved back home from my emotionally draining, poorly planned & short lived time living in the capital of New Zealand, Wellington. Things were looking pretty Gucci - an… COMECE A LER

MoonBeam Bender

I am an artist and author, I have 3 pennames: Elizabeth saturn, nygvik nomza, and Eleanor A. Foxstars. I am also hoping to be a tattoo artist. I love talking about my life, and hobbies, also I enjoy … COMECE A LER

MoonBeam Bender

I am an artist and author, I have 3 pennames: Elizabeth saturn, nygvik nomza, and Eleanor A. Foxstars. I am also hoping to be a tattoo artist. I love talking about my life, and hobbies, also I enjoy … COMECE A LER

petit moi

Uma coletânea de poesias, textos, frases e versos soltos sobre uma pequena autista que sonhava em nunca crescer e, ao mesmo tempo, em ser uma grande mulher. → O conteúdo dessa obra é escrito em 5 id… COMECE A LER

The American Presidents

This is a childrens book about the united states presidents from George Washington to Joe Biden i will discuss each one in detail If you want to read the whole book and see the images please visit … COMECE A LER

The crazyness of a goth and unorthodox tattooed sufi dervish

Modern day goth dervish, who seeks love and peace ! That is me! I am not traditional but I get the idea of a higher power that's loves all who do good in the world! I am off the beaten path so don't … COMECE A LER

The Extraordinary World of Comprehensive Biographies

Comprehensive biographies are conveyed through various mediums, each offering a unique way to engage with these captivating narratives. COMECE A LER

The Streets I Live

This is an autobiography of how I changed my life from bullying to gangs to drugs to overcoming and changing paths. COMECE A LER

To Find: Darkest Mind Season 1

Set in a twisted, dark disturbing world inside Soren's Darkest Mind; he thought he could free himself but instead met his demise. A soul, reborn from the cries of Soren, named Just. Created to save S… COMECE A LER

Unspoken Thoughts

My Autobiography through poetry COMECE A LER