Jorge Vargas Chavarría 팔로우

Ecuadorian author. Fantasy is the fireworks of literature. My head is always on fire. Escribo en español en mi blog. Guayaquil, Ecuador.
60 팔로워 수
4 팔로잉
2 팔로우한 스토리
가입됨 1월 11, 2015

내 스토리

This is the house

This is the house of a thousand rooms; a thousand doors and a thousand locks through which I look searching for the clock.
17.7천 조회수 4 6 완결

The pool

''When I go out to the backyard to smoke, Nina is at the bottom of the pool...''
18.8천 조회수 9 5 완결


Una joven ahonda en un pasado degenerado que no se esfuerza en olvidar; su psicólogo, en cambio, intentará eliminarlo de raíz.
15.5천 조회수 3 2 완결

Los moradores

''La habitación alberga un festín en el que no hay lugar para el respeto o la dignidad, y aunque alguna vez yo también atendí solo a la lujuria, hoy estoy seguro de que este no es un sitio para mí. ''
15.5천 조회수 4 1 완결

El galpón de los cuentos

Tomado de ''Aquí empieza lo extraño'' (Serenity Press, 2016).
19.9천 조회수 2 5 완결

On the road to dreams: Chapter 1: Talented

Clara is a ballerina whose parents support her, but that is a fortune not everyone has. Bruno loves music and his life is surrounded by lyrics and chords. Bruno and Clara are struggling to make their dreams come true, and when they meet each other …
18.8천 조회수 4 8 완결

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