victor_nobre Victor Nobre

The Darkness follows the story of Alexander Montgomery, a 17-year-old boy who sees his life changing in just two years. And by engaging in the supernatural war of the vampire brothers Mattew and Brunno Warrant, Alexander and his friends will have to deal with a new, bleak world.

LGBT+ 만 18세 이상만 이용 가능.

#werewolfs #vampires #witches
5.8천 조회수
작성중 - 새로운 챕터 매주 토요일
읽은 시간
AA 공유


The towns of Blue Lagoon and Liore are fictional inspired by cities like Mystic Falls (The Vampire Diaries), Sunnydale (Buffy) and National City (Supergirl).

Most of the series cited here make parts of this same universe and each one you reader identify references and mentions to these characters.

2019년 1월 5일 1:29 오전 1 신고하기 삽입됨 스토리 팔로우하기
다음 챕터 읽기 † 1 †

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