All I remember is you driving away
At six years old
in the middle of the night
I was so cold
And in such freight
What kind of mother does that
I guess I’ll never know
Your words fall flat
What does that show
I know one thing
Your love isn’t what it supposed to be
I was a little girl wondering my worth
you never liked me
you called me a twerp
u told me u hated me cuz I looked like my dad
I even knew that was bad
now that I’m grown
all i know
is what was shown
a mother can never love her kids
cuz all she cares about is herself
it was drugs u kept on the shelf
you traded me for drugs to whoever had them
what does that do to someone
it messes a person up
so when u ask yourself why don’t I have u in my life
u can say i did it yup
and that’s why I’m in strife
but all this anger I have deep inside
has one answer I can confide
it’s this I say to you
I forgive you
and it’s not for you it’s for me
because I need to be set free
from all this pain
and all these bad thoughts in my brain
so I forgive u
so I can be forgiven
when I get to heaven
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