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작성중 - 새로운 챕터 매주 토요일
읽은 시간
AA 공유


Hey! Time be my friend.

Give me your company.

I follow your step always.

Pay my all attention ever.

So that you would be pleased.

Slow down the speed of your's.

To favour me to access long youth.

A long life very long life of love.

You will slow the world's motion.

To keep long last of happy moments.

You will be broaden in space.

But never listen me nor look.

Ok it's good you have your trade.

You are not bias equal to all

Have sympathy to all kids and flowers.

Linger the Spring by slowing your pace.

Let them enjoy the beauty and joy.

All thanks that you deseve you will get!

2022년 1월 5일 1:22 오전 0 신고하기 삽입됨 스토리 팔로우하기
다음 챕터 읽기 Listen My Heart's

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