In 2216, Humanity's golden age of revitalized interest in space travel and colonization had long come to an end due to a rapidly rising insurrectionist movement in the Outer Colonies. At the peak of an all-out war, humanity comes into contact with a greater threat: a mysterious and brutal alien army called the Horde. It falls upon an elite group of augmented super-soldiers to provide the spark of resistance against the overwhelming enemy. Those soldiers are known as the Valkyrie, orphans of the insurrectionist war trained to quell the conflict now tasked with saving humanity itself. Follow the legendary Fireteam Cardinal as they deal with the aftermath of the first alien attack and now must prepare for their inevitable return. A sci-fi journey inspired by favorites such as Halo, Star Wars, Dead Space, and more, PRISM is a universe of epic proportions. Full of action, suspense, humor, and horror. Fit for young adult readers and up. Âge imaginé et intergalactique Partager
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