Richard Harris Suivre

Author of Skyland Falls, I believe fiction transforms lives and has a positive ripple effect on the world. I blend sci-fi and fantasy in my adventure tales, write short stories, accept writing challenges while working full time. United States.
9.4mille Mots
REJOINT Mar 01, 2023
Inko Captain Niveau 5

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Skyward Readers

$ 2.5 / mois
You support me in trying to earn a living doing what I love. As I write other novels, some will be added to this membership as well. Thank you for your Patronage! Abonnez-vous au forfait

Mes histoires

Tales from the Whispering Waves Inn

On the rocky shores far from the kingdom's reach, lies the Whispering Waves Inn. A speck of sovereignty for those downtrodden, weary souls who have become outcast and disillusioned with civilized life. Here they risk the only thing left to their nam…
5.7mille vues 2 3 Nouveau chapitre Toutes les semaines

A Monstrous Offering

A dragon awakes after a slumber lasting an eternity to discover its kind all but extinct, but when he runs across a scared human child during a morning hunt, he is perplexed by her lack of fear towards him.
6.0mille vues 3 8 Histoire terminée

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