Phoenix Buhagiar Suivre

I am a young writer that wants to be an author one day. I've wanted to be a writer for years especially on Wattpad. I've been writing about that a bit longer than inkspired. Would appreciate it if you checked out the books there too. https://None. Kleve NRW, Germany.
206 Mots
REJOINT Sep 02, 2022
Inko Captain Niveau 5

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Book lovers

$ 3 / mois
Books will be discounted and if you want you can help me write future books. Abonnez-vous au forfait

Mes histoires

In another life

Histoire non vérifiée Contains mentions of transphobia, abuse, being kicked out, depression, anxiety and self injury
29 vues Nouveau chapitre Tous les 10 jours

Saved by a vampire

A young girl who is alone meets a beautiful woman while taking a walk to her end. The woman is tended to kill the girl but finds out what her life is like and changes her mind. Contains mentions of suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, eating disord…
#6 dan LGBT+ 42.2mille vues 53 41 Nouveau chapitre Tous les jours

Hidden demon

Histoire non vérifiée The parents of Robin and Jess pass away suddenly with no explanation. They both get adopted by their neighbours and the police start an investigation with no evidence to begin with. Robin acts suspiciously to the police and he was the last to see th…
18.8mille vues 4 4 Histoire terminée

Inclus dans: Book lovers ($3/mois)

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