Nichole Harding Suivre

I love dogs and basically animals more than humans buh I'm trying to at least tolerate them 🙃 https://None. Accra, Ghana.
REJOINT Sep 06, 2022
Inka Knight+ Niveau 4

Mes histoires


Histoire non vérifiée Meet Dove Taylors. A timid and shy teenager who got accepted as a scholarship student by a prestigious and elite school due to her mad art skills. All she wants to do is maintain her straight A's streak and graduate from the school with flying col…
3.0mille vues 3 Nouveau chapitre Toutes les semaines

The Gang Leader's Girl

Amy is a 17 year old teenage girl with a normal life. She has a wonderful father, amazing friends and a loving but mysterious boyfriend. She then decides to follow Dave, her boyfriend and ends up at a creepy warehouse, just to find out that he's a g…
#5 dan Teen Fiction 50.0mille vues 101 83 Histoire terminée

The Gang Leader's Girl BLOG

Histoire non vérifiée Official blog of The Gang Leader's Girl
2.8mille vues 1 Nouveau chapitre Toutes les semaines
Histoire de blog

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