Nahkshon Kramer Suivre

Adelaide , Australia.
REJOINT Nov 17, 2021
Inko Captain Niveau 5

Mes histoires

Angels & Demons A Jewish Perspective

Mankind has always been fascinated by the dark, mysterious & even malevolent forces in the world. Terrifying & haunting images that hide in the primal ravines of our psyche reminding us we are afraid of the dark. Angels & Demons have been a part o…
7.0mille vues 12 8 Histoire terminée

Anatomy Of The Soul A Jewish Perspective

What is the soul?? Ever wanted to meet your soul, become better acquainted? Can the soul be described as tangible?? For thousands of years the Jewish people have been the guardian's of ancient knowledge that connects humanity to it's source, creatio…
11.1mille vues 35 6 Histoire terminée

Genesis 1.1 Unlocked A Jewish Perspective.

A deep & in depth look at the esoteric & Kabbalistic meaning behind the the first verse of the Bible, Genesis 1.1. This book will delve into understanding the intricacies of the original language & ancient intentions. This is an esoteric biblical …
#1 dan Historical 5.8mille vues 33 19 Histoire terminée

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