Lies xx Suivre

You are beautiful the way you are:) Please Subscribe to my channel it's free:) :), Netherlands.
12.2mille Mots
REJOINT Sep 01, 2018
Inka Knight+ Niveau 4

Mes histoires

Watch over me

Living in this new normal is strange. Life is short and gives us so many reasons to chase our dreams. Dreaming big comes with facing the obstacles in our lives. Let's do that together:)
49.9mille vues 33 6 Nouveau chapitre Aucun(e)

Life isn't getting easier

It's about the thoughts i have during my life journey. Check it out and i hope i would inspire you or something you can relate with. New beginnings aren't always that easy. It's better together them walking them alone.
46.6mille vues 68 56 Histoire terminée

We all have our own story to tell. What's your story? 2020

It's all about my life journey and finding myself. And really trying to survive through this year. Good and bad moments whatever we deal with in life. We have to face it straight in the eye. Go and check it out:)
#25 dan Poesía 29.9mille vues 31 57 Histoire terminée

My journey, my story part 2

Enjoy! :) And check my other storys out!
6.7mille vues 57 46 Histoire terminée

My Life journey, my story

Just write about my Life, Quotes, friends, issues, problems. About starting a new season with no reason..
6.0mille vues 28 44 Histoire terminée

My Life thoughts.

This is where it all started. The time to let everything out. Everyone has their own way how they cope with their feelings. I came to a point that i began to acknowledge that what i feel is worth something. That worth can change things, people and s…
7.8mille vues 29 46 Histoire terminée

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