Kat Winters Suivre

"Don't be afraid to write crap because crap makes great fertilizer." -Jessica Brody- I've been writing since I was in the fifth grade, and I really love it. I try my best to encourage everyone to be themselves. I work hard on my stories and I want to hear from you guys and know about you and what you think so please reach out! I won't tolerate any rude behavior or commentary. http://https://linktr.ee/Kat18. United States.
210.1mille Mots
REJOINT Jul 03, 2020
Inko Captain Niveau 5

Mes histoires

Free Me

"That's what a kiss should feel like. It's supposed to knock you off your feet and leave you speechless, that's how you know it meant something, and you felt something real. The stomach flutters and sweating palms and shuddering, those are all the f…
#4 dan LGBT+ 17.7mille vues 52 44 Histoire terminée

Stop in the Name of Love

Rhea Sommes has never had it easy; a mother who died before Rhea was even in high school, a father who can't get himself together, and no one to turn to. All she wants is to get through her senior year of high school in one piece, her only hope for …
11.1mille vues 109 19 Histoire terminée


Jules has no idea what she's getting into when she runs into Alex on her way home. She just assumes he's just the bad boy everyone says when he's in an alley with a mysterious suitcase and hooded figure, but soon her whole life will be upside down w…
9.2mille vues 102 12 Histoire terminée

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