Abigail Day Suivre

United Kingdom.
REJOINT Mar 10, 2022
Inka Knight+ Niveau 4

Mes histoires


Histoire non vérifiée She's dead
2.4mille vues 3 1 Histoire terminée

The Adventurous 3

3 girls go on a boat but... Read on to find out more within The Adventurous..
3.6mille vues 3 7 Histoire terminée

Michelle Smith?

Histoire non vérifiée Michelle Smith is a 14 year old with mixed feelings.
2.1mille vues 1 Nouveau chapitre Tous les 2 jours

The Ruined Metropolis

Histoire non vérifiée The Ruined Metropolis is a place but no-one lives there or even goes there. Or so most thought......
2.2mille vues Histoire terminée

Down in the fields

Histoire non vérifiée Down In The fields is a war poem created by Abigail-Mia-Day. Its about where if the oppnement is either winning or losing yet they don't know.
2.6mille vues 1 Histoire terminée

Fangs for blood

Histoire non vérifiée Lilith is a vampire but no-one else is. She has bullies come up to her that want to be her friend but says no. So they force her to be friends but then something bad happens! Read the story to find out more!
2.8mille vues 15 3 Histoire terminée

Planets of war

Histoire non vérifiée A planet named Baenides was forced into battle and, whilst Rhaecus is forcing them, 2 Planets start forming together! Who will win the great battle of the two?
1.4mille vues 5 1 Histoire terminée

The Magic Knife

Zoe finds a knife but it's not as it seems. Will Zoe find out where it came from read on to find out?!
4.7mille vues 4 9 Nouveau chapitre Tous les dimanches

The Door

She falls out of a seat and someone or some creature is chasing her. Will she lose her?
#11 dan Horror 5.4mille vues 19 19 Histoire terminée


It's a poem about bees
11.1mille vues 1 3 Histoire terminée

The 2 Warriors

Two people have a battle find out and see who wins out of them. Or will they both die?
#11 dan Crime 4.5mille vues 5 7 Histoire terminée

The Unicorns Invention

Histoire non vérifiée Craft
1.1mille vues Histoire terminée


Death and Birth and POVs
12.2mille vues 4 6 Histoire terminée

Mes microfictions

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