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I look back on the memories we’ve had sometimes ago

When life was free for every one of us, both young and old

When hiding in dilapidated buildings wasn’t a survival technique

And death was from nature, not a man-made epidemic

When our young ones were free to go to school, grow up and become men who’ll rule

And the dead sons of our land weren’t having their cadavers along the road-path

When our daughters were whole to be married

And not hampered like now as they have to be carried

I’ll look back on the time happiness was never far from our sides

And joy wasn’t gotten from seeing our enemies die

I’ll look back on the building up front

With so many moments had therein, good and bad, all that we hold fond

I’ll remember that fahir was in us too

But now, as soon as the day brings itself new

I’ll see that the brother I’ve had my whole life is gone

To his end of time at the mercy of a sniper’s shot

I’ll go to the death-counter, and see another sun’s been decimated

And another light has just been put off

All for what?

The land,



Or religion?

Another 12-Year’ld has just been laid to rest

With his mother wailings as the day before yesterday, he laid on her chest,

Promised her “I will grow up, become a feared militant and put the wars to an end”

But, he has just been pushed off of earth

We had holidays

Now only morning days

Yet as the dust fills our faces

We’ll hold on to our faith

For someday, we shall all together, say

“It was all yesterday”

So for this, I’ll always remember us this way!


From a friend that cares,

©Emmiasky Ojex

16 Novembre 2018 14:59 2 Rapport Incorporer Suivre l’histoire
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A propos de l’auteur

Emmiasky Ojex Content curator at https://arthut.com.ng

Commentez quelque chose

Simon Pacheco Wolf Simon Pacheco Wolf
Well, this was very emotional to read, as someone that has experienced death and violent conflicts himself it's very hard not to relate. Hope ya'll are safe there.
January 26, 2019, 22:24


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