kelly-alice Kelly Alice

Thought bubbles are how I describe the little “snippets” of stories/poems/writings that pop into my head. I thought maybe pulling a few and putting them in one spot would be neat. Thank you for taking the time to read them. I’ll add and possibly subtract from this frequently, hopefully. -Kelly Alice *This has kind of turned into my poem journal/thought book..oops* **how many poems can I fit in one space???**

#5 dan Poésie #3 dan Romance Tout public.

#thought #thoughts #bubbles #despare #craft #poems #lonliness #love #sadness #snippits #friendship #poetry #happy #sad #happiness #isolation #curate #ode #grief #alone #
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Pastels line the world in intricate hues.

day by day, blending their truth.

You gaze at the flowers,

they've whispered their wonders

"Gather at the center,"

They await, you saunter.

They've trapped you,


In a pastel summer

14 Décembre 2023 02:42 3 Rapport Incorporer Suivre l’histoire
Lire le chapitre suivant Sunflower Summer

Commentez quelque chose

M. Aisling M. Aisling
I really love this! I'm not normally one for poetry, but this is beautifully written
September 02, 2024, 18:44
Kushal Singh Kushal Singh
This poem is beautifully crafted, with a strong emotional core that resonates deeply. The imagery and language are both vivid and evocative, drawing the reader into the world you've created. Your words flow effortlessly, and the rhythm enhances the overall impact of the piece. You've managed to capture complex feelings in a way that feels both authentic and relatable. Truly a captivating read!
August 10, 2024, 04:44

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